
My vote +1 (binding)

Tests are passed on a virtual topology of servers (CS over CS) (1mgr+2nodes+1nfs) :

1/ Fresh install of RC2 (adv net) on Ubuntu 14.04.5 + KVM + NFS : OK Some standard tests with success (create vm, migration, HA, create networks, create user, create ssh key, destroy vm, register template, create snapshot, restore snapshot, create template, ip association, ip release, static nat, firewall rule) Some tests with cloudstack ansible module with success too (create network, register templates, create vm, ip, firewall rule)

2/ Test upgrade from to RC2 : OK
Some standard tests with success (create vm, migration, HA, create networks, create user, create ssh key, destroy vm, register template, create snapshot, restore snapshot, create template, ip association, ip release, static nat, firewall rule) Some tests with cloudstack ansible module with success too (create network, register templates, create vm, ip, firewall rule)

3/ Tests of all localization Web UI for RC2:
Localization works well except Spanish (not a blocker to release): the Web UI display partially the localization strings due of one bad carriage return in the label message.installWizard.copy.whatIsCloudStack string (from Transifex). (I will fix this for the next release 4.9 release)

Perhaps add in the Release notes this Spanish l10n issue.

Thanks to the RM.


On 03/01/2017 07:05, Rohit Yadav wrote:
Hi All,

I've created a release (RC2), with the following artifacts up for a

Git Branch and Commit SH:
Commit: dfc39c1f088dc9979a53bd0de4dfd0e5b266bd0f

Source release (checksums and signatures are available at the same

PGP release keys (signed using 0EE3D884):

Vote will be open for 72 hours.

For sanity in tallying the vote, can PMC members please be sure to indicate
"(binding)" with their vote?

[ ] +1  approve
[ ] +0  no opinion
[ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)


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