Any follow up Koushik? I want to refactor our proof of concept and integrate it 
in master.

On 21/02/17 10:42, "Kishan Kavala" <> wrote:

    Sure Daan. I'll publish the design on cwiki and share the link.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Daan Hoogland [] 
    Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 7:27 PM
    Subject: [PROPOSAL] add native vm-cluster orchestration service (was: 
[PROPOSAL] add native container orchestration service)
    So, being very late in the discussion but havingread the whole thread 
before editting the title of this thread,
    Can we agree that we want a generic vm-cluster service and leave the 
container bits to containers? Kishan can you share your design? Shapeblue wants 
to rebase their k8 service on top of this and I would like yours and Murali's 
work to not conflict.
    53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, Utrecht Utrecht 3531 VENetherlands 
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul Angus []
    Sent: dinsdag 7 februari 2017 08:14
    Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] add native container orchestration service
    Will is 100% correct.  As I mentioned the Title is misleading.  However, 
Murali did clarify in his explanation; this is really about vm cluster 
    From: Will Stevens <>
    Sent: 6 Feb 2017 22:54
    Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] add native container orchestration service
    ​My understanding is that what Paul is talking about is what is already 
built and IS what the thread is talking about.​
    *Will STEVENS*
    Lead Developer
    On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Rajesh Ramchandani <> wrote:
    > Hi Paul - I think this is different from what the thread was about. 
    > The conversation was specifically about adding support for container 
    > orchestrators. You are talking about provisioning a group of VMs.
    > Although, this is something I think several Cloudstack users have 
    > requested before and we should propose a solution to this.
    > Raj
    > ________________________________
    > From: Paul Angus <>
    > Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 11:16:41 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: RE: [PROPOSAL] add native container orchestration service
    > #WhatHeSaid
    > The title is misleading.  The proposal is purely to add the notion of 
    > Clusters of VMs to CloudStack.  These may be for databases, containers 
    > or anything else that needs 'clusters' of compute. Self-healing and 
    > autoscaling are logical next steps to be added.
    > Those guys at ShapeBlue have open-sourced their whole k8s container 
    > service piece.  If/when the 'cluster' part of that work is added into 
    > CloudStack, the k8s specific pieces can be used by anyone who wants 
    > to, alternatively they could be used for reference in order to create 
    > another types of cluster.  (or ignored completely).
    > 53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK @shapeblue
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Will Stevens []
    > Sent: 31 January 2017 13:26
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] add native container orchestration service
    > s/cloud-init/cloud-config/
    > On Jan 31, 2017 7:24 AM, "Will Stevens" <> wrote:
    > > I think that is covered in this proposal. There is nothing k8s 
    > > specific in this integration (from what I understand), all the k8s 
    > > details are passed in via the cloud-init configuration after the 
    > > cluster
    > has been provisioned.
    > >
    > > On Jan 31, 2017 3:06 AM, "Lianghwa Jou" 
    > > <>
    > > wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > There are many container orchestrators. Those container 
    > > orchestrators are happy to run on any VMs or bare metal machines. 
    > > K8s is just one of them and there will be more in the future. It may 
    > > not be a good idea to make CloudStack to be k8s aware. IMO, the 
    > > relationship between k8s and cloudstack should be similar to 
    > > application and os. It probably not a good idea to make your OS to 
    > > be aware of any specific applications so IMHO I don’t think k8s should 
be native to CloudStack.
    > > It makes more sense to provide some generic services that many 
    > > applications can take advantages of. Some generic resource grouping 
    > > service makes sense so a group of VMs, baremetal machines or network 
    > > can be treated as a single entity. Some life cycle management will 
    > > be necessary for these entities too. We can deploy k8s, swarm, dcos 
    > > or even non-container specific services on top of CloudStack. The 
    > > k8s is changing fast. One single tenant installation may need more 
    > > than one VM group and may actually requires more (k8s federation). 
    > > It will be a struggle to be in sync if we try to bring k8s specific 
    > > knowledge into
    > cloudstack.
    > >
    > > Regards,
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > Lianghwa Jou
    > > VP Engineering, Accelerite
    > > email:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > On 1/29/17, 11:54 PM, "Murali Reddy" <> wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > >     I agree with some good views Will has shared and I also agree to 
    > > the concerns raised by Wido and Eric. IMO we need balance of staying 
    > > relevant/add new features vs stability of CloudStack and take 
    > > corrective action if needed. We have two good examples for both. 
    > > When SDN was hot technology CloudStack ended up with bunch of SDN 
    > > controller
    > integrations.
    > > Few years later, now CloudStack is carrying baggage with no 
    > > maintainers for those plugins, with probably not many of CloudStack
    > users needing overlays.
    > > On the other hand, other than attempt to liaison with ETSI for NFV 
    > > no effort was done. OpenStack has become de-facto for NFV. Now for 
    > > OpenStack, arguably NFV has become larger use case than cloud it self.
    > > I concur with Will’s point that with minimal viable solution that 
    > > does not change the core of CloudStack, and can keep CloudStack 
    > > relevant is worth to be taken in.
    > >
    > >     Will,
    > >
    > >     To your question of how different is from ShapeBlue’s container 
    > > service, its design, implementation and API semantics etc remain same.
    > > ShapeBlue’s container service was true drop in plug-in to 
    > > CloudStack, with this proposal I am trying to re-work to make it a 
    > > core CloudStack pluggable service which is part of CloudStack.
    > >
    > >     Key concepts that this proposal is trying to add
    > >
    > >         - add notion of ‘container cluster’ as a first class entity 
    > > in CloudStack. Which is bacially collection of other CloudStack 
    > > resources (like VM’s, networks, public ip, network rules etc)
    > >         - life cycle operation to manage ‘container cluster’ like 
    > > create, delete, start, stop, scale-up, scale-down, heal etc
    > >         - orchestrate container orchestrator control plane on top of 
    > > provisioned resources
    > >
    > >     At-least for k8s (which is what this proposal is targeting), 
    > > integration with k8s is bare minimum. There are cloud-config scripts 
    > > that automatically setup k8s cluster master and node VM’s. All 
    > > CloudStack is doing in passing the cloud-config to the core OS VM’s 
    > > as
    > user data.
    > >
    > >     Regards
    > >     Murali Reddy
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >     On 29/01/17, 8:54 AM, "Will Stevens" < 
    > > on behalf of> wrote:
    > >
    > >     >I agree that we need to be careful what we take on and own inside
    > >     >CloudStack.  I feel like some of the plugins or integrations 
    > > which we have
    > >     >been "maintaining" may serve us better to abandon, but I feel 
    > > like that is
    > >     >a whole discussion on its own.
    > >     >
    > >     >In this case, I feel like there is a minimum viable solution 
    > > which puts
    > >     >CloudStack in a pretty good place to enable container 
    > > For
    > >     >example, one of the biggest challenges with K8S is the fact 
    > > that it
    > is
    > >     >single tenant.  CloudStack has good multi tenancy support and 
    > > has
    > the
    > >     >ability to orchestrate the underlying infra quite well.  We 
    > > will have to be
    > >     >very careful not to try to own too deep into the K8S world 
    > > though, in my
    > >     >opinion.  We only want to be responsible for providing the 
    > > infra (and a way
    > >     >to bootstrap K8S ideally) and be able to scale the infra, 
    > > everything else
    > >     >should be owned by the K8S on top.  That is the way I see it 
    > > anyway, but
    > >     >please add your input.
    > >     >
    > >     >I think it is a liability to try to go too deep, for the same 
    > > reasons Wido
    > >     >and Erik have mentioned.  But I also think we need to take it 
    > > seriously
    > >     >because that train is moving and this may be a good opportunity 
    > > to stay
    > >     >relevant in a rapidly changing market.
    > >     >
    > >     >*Will STEVENS*
    > >     >Lead Developer
    > >     >
    > >     ><>
    > >     >
    > >     >On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Wido den Hollander 
    > > <>
    > > wrote:
    > >     >
    > >     >>
    > >     >> > Op 27 januari 2017 om 16:08 schreef Will Stevens < 
    > >
    > >     >> >:
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > Hey Murali,
    > >     >> > How different is this proposal than what ShapeBlue already 
    > > built.  It
    > >     >> looks
    > >     >> > pretty consistent with the functionality that you guys open 
    > > sourced in
    > >     >> > Seville.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > I have not yet used this functionality, but I have reports 
    > > that it works
    > >     >> > quite well.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > I believe the premise here is to only orchestrate the VM 
    > > layer
    > and
    > >     >> > basically expose a "group" of running VMs to the user.  The 
    > > user is
    > >     >> > responsible for configuring K8S or whatever other container 
    > > orchestrator
    > >     >> on
    > >     >> > top.  I saw mention of the "cloud-config" scripts in the 
    > > FS, how are
    > >     >> those
    > >     >> > exposed to the cluster?  Maybe the FS can expand on that a bit?
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > I believe the core feature that is being requested to be 
    > > added is the
    > >     >> > ability to create a group of VMs which will be kept active 
    > > as a group if
    > >     >> at
    > >     >> > all possible.  ACS would be responsible for making sure 
    > > that the number
    > >     >> of
    > >     >> > VMs specified for the group are in running state and it 
    > > would spin up new
    > >     >> > VMs as needed in order to satisfy the group settings.  In 
    > > general, it is
    > >     >> > understood that any application running on this group would 
    > > have to be
    > >     >> > fault tolerant enough to be able to rediscover a new VM if 
    > > one fails and
    > >     >> is
    > >     >> > replaced by a fresh copy.  Is that fair to say?  How is it 
    > > expected that
    > >     >> > this service discovery is done, just by VMs being present 
    > > on the network?
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > As for some of the other people's concerns in this thread.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > - Regarding Wido's remarks.  I understand that there is 
    > > some
    > added
    > >     >> > complexity, but I don't feel like the scope of the addition is
    > >     >> > unrealistic.  I think the LXC integration was a lot farther 
    > > out of the
    > >     >> > scope of what ACS does then this is.  This does not change 
    > > the "things"
    > >     >> > which ACS orchestrates, it just adds the concept of a 
    > > grouping of things
    > >     >> > which ACS already manages.  I think this is the right 
    > > approach since it
    > >     >> is
    > >     >> > not trying to be a container orchestrator.  We will never 
    > > compete with
    > >     >> K8S,
    > >     >> > for example, and we should not try, but K8S is here and the 
    > > market wants
    > >     >> > it.  I do think we should be keeping our head up about that 
    > > fact because
    > >     >> > being able to provide a the underlay for K8S is very 
    > > valuable in the
    > >     >> > current marketplace.  I see this functionality as a way to 
    > > enable K8S
    > >     >> > adoption on top of ACS without changing our core values.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > - Regarding Erik's remarks.  The container space is moving 
    > > fast, but so
    > >     >> is
    > >     >> > the industry.  If we want to remain relevant, we need to be 
    > > able to
    > >     >> adapt a
    > >     >> > bit.  I don't think this is a big shift in what we do, but 
    > > it is one that
    > >     >> > enables people to be able to start running with something 
    > > like K8S on top
    > >     >> > of their existing ACS.  This is something we are interested 
    > > in doing and
    > >     >> so
    > >     >> > are our customers.  If we can have a thin layer in ACS 
    > > which helps enable
    > >     >> > the use of K8S (or other container orchestrators) by
    > orchestrating
    > >     >> > infrastructure, as we already do, and making it easier to 
    > > adopt
    > a
    > >     >> container
    > >     >> > orchestrator running on top of ACS, I think that gives us a 
    > > nice foothold
    > >     >> > in the market.  I don't really feel it is fair to compare 
    > > containers to
    > >     >> > IPv6.  IPv6 has been out forever and it has taken almost a 
    > > decade to get
    > >     >> > anyone to adopt it.  Containers have really only been here 
    > > for like 2
    > >     >> years
    > >     >> > and they are changing the market landscape in a very real way.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > Kind of on topic and kind of off topic.  I think 
    > > understanding
    > our
    > >     >> approach
    > >     >> > to containers is going to be important for the ACS 
    > > community as a whole.
    > >     >> > If we don't offer that market anything, then we will not be 
    > > considered
    > >     >> and
    > >     >> > we will lose market share we can't afford to lose.  If we 
    > > try to hitch
    > >     >> our
    > >     >> > horse to that cart too much, we will not be able to be 
    > > agile enough and
    > >     >> > will fail.  I feel like the right approach is for us to 
    > > know that it is a
    > >     >> > thriving market and continue to do what we do, but to 
    > > extend an olive
    > >     >> > branch to that market.  I think this sort of implementation 
    > > is the right
    > >     >> > approach because we are not trying to do too much.  We are 
    > > simply giving
    > >     >> a
    > >     >> > foundation on which the next big thing in the container 
    > > orchestration
    > >     >> world
    > >     >> > can adopt without us having to compete directly in that 
    > > space.  I think
    > >     >> we
    > >     >> > have to focus on what we do best, but at the same time, 
    > > think about what
    > >     >> we
    > >     >> > can do to enable that huge market of users to adopt ACS as 
    > >     >> > foundation.  The ability to offer VMs and containers in the 
    > > same data
    > >     >> plane
    > >     >> > is something we have the ability to do, especially with 
    > > this approach,
    > >     >> and
    > >     >> > is something that most other softwares can not do.  The 
    > > adoption of
    > >     >> > containers by bigger organizations will be only part of 
    > > their workload,
    > >     >> > they will still be running VMs for the foreseeable future.
    > > Being able to
    > >     >> > appeal to that market is going to be important for us.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > Hopefully I don't have too many strong opinions here, but I 
    > > do think we
    > >     >> > need to be thinking about how we move forward in a world 
    > > which
    > is
    > >     >> adopting
    > >     >> > containers in a very real way.
    > >     >> >
    > >     >>
    > >     >> Understood. I just want to prevent that we add more features 
    > > to CloudStack
    > >     >> which are poorly maintained. Not judging Murali here at all, 
    > > but I'd rather
    > >     >> see CloudStack loose code then have it added.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> Thinking about LXC, would like to see that removed together 
    > > with various
    > >     >> other network plugins which I think are rarely used.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> Now, the idea of Murali was misunderstood by me. I think it 
    > > would be worth
    > >     >> more if we would improve our cloud-init support and 
    > > integration in various
    > >     >> tools which makes it much easier to deploy VMs running 
    > > containers
    > ON
    > >     >> CloudStack.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> Not so much changing CloudStack code, but rather tooling 
    > > around
    > it.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> If we have CloudStack talking to Kubernetes we suddenly have 
    > > to maintain
    > >     >> that API integration. Who's going to do that. Realistically.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> That's my main worry in this regard.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> We have so much more work to do in ACS in total that I don't 
    > > know if this
    > >     >> is the realistic route. I talk to many people who are not 
    > > looking
    > at
    > >     >> containers and are still working with VMs.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> There is not a single truth which is true, it really depends 
    > > on who you
    > >     >> ask.
    > >     >>
    > >     >> Wido
    > >     >>
    > >     >> > Cheers,
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > Will
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > *Will STEVENS*
    > >     >> > Lead Developer
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > <>
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 5:38 AM, Erik Weber 
    > > <>
    > > wrote:
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > > On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 7:20 AM, Murali Reddy < 
    > >
    > >     >> >
    > >     >> > > wrote:
    > >     >> > > > All,
    > >     >> > > >
    > >     >> > > > I would like propose native functionality into 
    > > CloudStack to provide
    > >     >> a
    > >     >> > > container service through which users out-of-the box can 
    > > use to launch
    > >     >> > > container based application. Idea is to support ability 
    > > to orchestrate
    > >     >> the
    > >     >> > > resources and automate aspects of setting up container 
    > > orchestrator
    > >     >> through
    > >     >> > > CloudStack. Public IAAS service providers AWS with its 
    > > ECS [1] and
    > >     >> google
    > >     >> > > with GKE [2] already provides ability container applications.
    > >     >> Competitive
    > >     >> > > cloud orchestration platforms already have native support 
    > > for container
    > >     >> > > service. Users of CloudStack both as public cloud 
    > > providers and users
    > >     >> with
    > >     >> > > private clouds will benefit with such functionality.
    > >     >> > > >
    > >     >> > > > While container orchestrator of user choice can be 
    > > provisioned on
    > >     >> top of
    > >     >> > > CloudStack (with out CloudStack being involved) with 
    > > tools
    > like
    > >     >> > > TerraForm[3], Ansible[4] etc, advantage of having native 
    > > orchestration
    > >     >> is
    > >     >> > > giving user a nice cohesive integration. This proposal 
    > > would like add a
    > >     >> > > notion of first class CloudStack entity called container 
    > > cluster which
    > >     >> can
    > >     >> > > be used to provision resources, scale up, scale down, 
    > > start and stop
    > >     >> the
    > >     >> > > cluster of VM’s on which containerised applications can 
    > > be
    > run.
    > > For
    > >     >> actual
    > >     >> > > container orchestration we will still need container 
    > > orchestrator like
    > >     >> > > docker swarm, marathon, kubernetes, but CloudStack 
    > > container service
    > >     >> can
    > >     >> > > automate setting up of control place automatically.
    > >     >> > > >
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >> > > To be honest I'm torn on this one.
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >> > > Containers are a rapid changing thing, and while docker swam,
    > >     >> > > kubernetes, rancher or whatnot is popular today, they 
    > > might not be
    > >     >> > > tomorrow.
    > >     >> > > They might use CoreOS today, but might not tomorrow.
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >> > > We have a rather poor track record of staying up to date 
    > > with new
    > >     >> > > features/versions, and adding a feature that is so 
    > > rapidly changing
    > >     >> > > is, I fear, going to be hard to maintain.
    > >     >> > > Want an example, look at xenserver. It is one of the most 
    > >     >> > > hypervisors we support, yet it took 6 months or so for us 
    > > to support
    > >     >> > > the latest release.
    > >     >> > > Or IPv6...
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >> > > I don't mean to bash at maintainers/implementers of those 
    > > features, I
    > >     >> > > appreciate all the work being done in every aspect, but I 
    > > believe we
    > >     >> > > should be realistic and realize that we have issues with 
    > > keeping stuff
    > >     >> > > up to date.
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >> > > I'd say focus on making sure other tools can do their job 
    > > well against
    > >     >> > > CloudStack (kops, rancher, ++), but that does not mean I 
    > > will
    > > -1 the
    > >     >> > > idea if anyone really wants to go through with it.
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >> > > --
    > >     >> > > Erik
    > >     >> > >
    > >     >>
    > >
    > >
    > ><>
    > >     53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK
    > >     @shapeblue
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
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