Nice work Sachin

Just a suggestion, it might be worthwhile creating a blogspot blog to keep
track of these updates. It would allow for richer content (screenshots,
videos, etc) as you go on.

On 30 May 2017 at 04:22, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:

> Good progress Sachin, keep it up!
> Regards.
> ________________________________
> From: sachin patil <>
> Sent: 29 May 2017 20:44:32
> To: dev
> Subject: Weekly Update for GSoC'17 project
> Hello,
>          Sharing with you all the work done through out the week.
> This week mostly revolved around a new cloudstack setup I had some setup
> issues my mentors Syed and Rohit helped me solve them.
> My SystemVM's SSVM and CPVM where not being started, we resolved that issue
> as well.
> Now I have a cloudstack setup running with the SystemVM up.
> I have a ubuntu 14.04 instance running.
> I have completed the setup. Would begin working on actual project from
> tomorrow.
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Sachin
> 53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK
> @shapeblue

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