Thanks everyone for your support (and statues :) ).

I look forward to working with everyone for the next best CloudStack release.


From: Simon Weller <>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 1:12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSE] RM for 4.11

Great Rohit! We'll provide as much support to you guys as we can.

From: Rohit Yadav <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 4:14 AM
Subject: [PROPOSE] RM for 4.11

Hi All,

I’d like to put myself forward as release manager for 4.11. The 4.11
releases will be the next major version LTS release since 4.9 and will be
supported for 20 months per the LTS manifesto [2] until 1 July 2019.

Daan Hoogland and Paul Angus will assist during the process and all of us
will be the gatekeepers for reviewing/testing/merging the PRs, others will
be welcome to support as well.

As a community member, I will try to help get PRs reviewed, tested and
merged (as would everyone else I hope) but with an RM hat on I would like
to see if we can make that role less inherently life-consuming and put the
onus back on the community to get stuff done.

Here the plan:
1. As RM I put forward the freeze date of the 8th of January 2018, hoping
for community approval.
2. After the freeze date (8th Jan) until GA release, features will not be
allowed and fixes only as long as there are blocker issues outstanding.
Fixes for other issues will be individually judged on their merit and risk.
3. RM will triage/report critical and blocker bugs for 4.11 [4] and
encourage people to get them fixed.
4. RM will create RCs and start voting once blocker bugs are cleared and
baseline smoke test results are on par with previous smoke
test results.
5. RM will allocate at least a week for branch stabilization and testing.
At the earliest, on 15th January, RM will put for voting from
the 4.11 branch, and master will be open to accepting new features.
6. RM will repeat 3-5 as required. Voting/testing of -rc2, -rc3 and so on
will be created as required.
7. Once vote passes - RM will continue with the release procedures [1].

In conjunction with that, I also propose and put forward the date of 4.12
cut-off as 4 months [3] after GA release of 4.11 (so everyone knows when
the next one is coming hopefully giving peace of mind to those who have
features which would not make the proposed 4.11 cut off).

I’d like the community (including myself and colleagues) to:
- Up to 8th January, community members try to review, test and merge as
many fixes as possible, while super-diligent to not de-stabilize the master
- Engage with gatekeepers to get your PRs reviewed, tested and merged
(currently myself, Daan and Paul, others are welcome to engage as well). Do
not merge the PRs
- A pull request may be reverted where the author(s) are not responding and
authors may be asked to re-submit their changes after taking suitable
- Find automated method to show (at a glance) statuses of PRs with respect
  · Number of LGTMs
  · Smoke tests
  · Functional tests
  · Travis tests passing
  · Mergeability
- Perform a weekly run of a component-test matrix against the master branch
before Jan 8th cut off (based on current hypervisors including basic (KVM)
and advanced networking).
- Continue to fix broken tests.

Thoughts, feedback, comments?

Release Procedure - Apache Cloudstack - Apache Software 
This page describes the steps that a release manager needs to take to perform a 
release of Apache CloudStack. (Thanks to the couchdb project for a great 
template to ...

LTS - Apache Cloudstack - Apache Software 
The project plans to produce the following types of releases: Regular: 
Introduce new features and enhancements. These releases are targeted for users 
who require the ...

Releases - Apache Cloudstack - Apache Software 
Overview. All available releases can be found on the Apache CloudStack 
project's website, on the Downloads page. The release-specific child pages in 
this wiki are not ...

[4] The current list of blocker and critical bugs currently stands as per
the following list:

Rohit Yadav
53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

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