OK, wait a second. :)

It works now. It just took a longer time than normal.

When I examine the VR in the GUI, it no longer says it requires an upgrade and 
has transitioned to the Running state.

It usually only takes a minute or so for it to come up and get into the Running 
state. It took about 10 minutes in this case, but it did end up working.

On 4/5/18, 10:56 AM, "Tutkowski, Mike" <mike.tutkow...@netapp.com> wrote:

    Thanks for your feedback, Rafael.
    I re-created my 4.12 cloud today (after fetching the latest code and using 
the master branch) and still seem to be having trouble with the VR. The 
hypervisor type I’m using here is XenServer 6.5.
    When I examine the VR in the CloudStack GUI, the “Requires Upgrade” column 
says, “Yes”. However, when I try to initiate the upgrade, I get an error 
message stating that the VR is not in the proper state (because it’s stuck in 
the Starting state).
    The system VM template I am working with is the following: 
    In case anyone sees something, I’ve included the contents of my VR’s 
cloud.log file below.
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:01 UTC 2018 Executing cloud-early-config
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:01 UTC 2018 Detected that we are running inside xen-domU
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:02 UTC 2018 Scripts checksum detected: 
oldmd5=60703a62ef9d1666975ec0a8ce421270 newmd5=7f8c303cd3303ff902e7ad9f3f1f092b
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:02 UTC 2018 Patched scripts using 
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:02 UTC 2018 Patching cloud service
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:02 UTC 2018 Configuring systemvm type=dhcpsrvr
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:02 UTC 2018 Setting up dhcp server system vm
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:04 UTC 2018 Setting up dnsmasq
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:05 UTC 2018 Setting up apache web server
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:05 UTC 2018 Processors = 1  Enable service  = 0
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:05 UTC 2018 cloud: enable_fwding = 0
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:05 UTC 2018 enable_fwding = 0
    Thu Apr  5 16:45:05 UTC 2018 Finished setting up systemvm
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,924  merge.py load:296 Continuing with the processing 
of file '/var/cache/cloud/cmd_line.json'
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,927  merge.py process:101 Command of type cmdline 
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,928  merge.py process:101 Command of type ips received
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,929  merge.py process:101 Command of type ips received
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,930  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip addr show 
dev eth1
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,941  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip addr show 
dev eth0
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,950  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip addr show 
dev eth1
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,958  CsAddress.py process:108 Address found in DataBag 
==> {u'public_ip': u'', u'one_to_one_nat': False, u'nic_dev_id': 
u'1', u'network': u'', u'netmask': u'', u'source_nat': 
False, u'broadcast': u'', u'add': True, u'nw_type': u'control', 
u'device': u'eth1', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'None', u'size': 
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,959  CsAddress.py process:116 Address 
on device eth1 already configured
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,959  CsRoute.py defaultroute_exists:103 Checking if 
default ipv4 route is present
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,959  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip -4 route 
list 0/0
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,967  CsRoute.py defaultroute_exists:107 Default route 
found: default via dev eth0 
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,967  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip addr show 
dev eth0
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,976  CsAddress.py process:108 Address found in DataBag 
==> {u'public_ip': u'', u'one_to_one_nat': False, u'nic_dev_id': 
u'0', u'network': u'', u'netmask': u'', 
u'source_nat': False, u'broadcast': u'', u'add': True, u'nw_type': 
u'guest', u'device': u'eth0', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'None', 
u'size': u'25'}
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,976  CsAddress.py process:116 Address 
on device eth0 already configured
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,976  CsRoute.py add_table:37 Adding route table: 0 
Table_eth0 to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables if not present 
    2018-04-05 16:45:05,978  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: sudo echo 0 
Table_eth0 >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,015  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip rule show
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,026  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip rule show
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,034  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip rule add 
fwmark 0 table Table_eth0
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,042  CsRule.py addMark:49 Added fwmark rule for 
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,043  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip link show 
eth0 | grep 'state DOWN'
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,053  CsHelper.py execute:193 Command 'ip link show eth0 
| grep 'state DOWN'' returned non-zero exit status 1
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,053  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: arping -c 1 -I 
eth0 -A -U -s None
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,066  CsHelper.py execute:193 Command 'arping -c 1 -I 
eth0 -A -U -s None' returned non-zero exit status 2
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,067  CsRoute.py add_network_route:64 Adding route: dev 
eth0 table: Table_eth0 network: if not present
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,067  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip route show 
dev eth0 table Table_eth0 throw proto static
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,075  CsHelper.py execute:193 Command 'ip route show dev 
eth0 table Table_eth0 throw proto static' returned non-zero exit 
status 1
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,076  CsRoute.py set_route:74 Add dev eth0 table 
Table_eth0 throw proto static
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,076  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: ip route add 
dev eth0 table Table_eth0 throw proto static
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,085  CsHelper.py execute:193 Command 'ip route add dev 
eth0 table Table_eth0 throw proto static' returned non-zero exit 
status 2
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,086  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: sudo ip route 
flush cache
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,103  CsHelper.py copy:263 Copied 
/etc/apache2/vhost.template to 
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,107  CsFile.py commit:66 Wrote edited file 
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,107  CsFile.py commit:68 Updated file in-cache 
    2018-04-05 16:45:06,107  CsHelper.py execute:188 Executing: systemctl 
restart apache2
    On 4/4/18, 7:04 AM, "Rafael Weingärtner" <rafaelweingart...@gmail.com> 
        Hey Mike,
        This week I have been using ACS 4.12 to do some testing. VRs and system 
        are deploying just fine with the system VM template of 4.11. Of course, 
        using this template (the 4.11) I am not receiving the changes already 
        to it in both 4.11 and current master branch.
        During my testes, I allocated a public IP, created some NAT rules,
        allocated directly attach IPs. Everything was working as expected.
        The hypervisor I am using is XenServer both 6.5 and 7.2.
        On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 1:56 AM, Tutkowski, Mike 
        > Hi,
        > I may have missed an e-mail about this recently.
        > Can someone provide me with the current URL I can use to download 
        > VM templates for 4.12?
        > I’ve tried 4.11 from here:
        > http://cloudstack.apt-get.eu/systemvm/4.11/
        > and master from here:
        > https://builds.cloudstack.org/job/build-master-systemvm/
        > However, in neither case can I get the VR up and running on 4.12.
        > Thanks!
        > Mike
        Rafael Weingärtner

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