Hi, all:

When making CloudStack API calls on VM instances, many APIs accept parameters 
to filter VM instances based on domain, pod, and host, where the VM instances 
belong to.  However, we can’t filter VM instances based on the cluster!  I am 
wondering if this is a deliberate design decision or it is just an unfortunate 

For example, when calling listVirtualMachines API, I can list all instances 
belonging to a domain or running on a host, but I also would like to be able to 
list all instances running on a particular cluster; for startVirtualMachine 
API, I’d like to be able to start an instance on any hosts belonging to a 
particular cluster (for affinity group concerns).

IMHO, supporting such cluster wide operations, wherever it makes sense to do 
so, would be a great convenience improvement for cloud admins and operators 


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