> - You did the upgrade on a newly built MySQL / MariaDB server (keep in mind 
> you can not at this point run MariaDB version 10.x)
> - AND you imported database dumps to the new DB servers
> - AND you didn't give 'cloud@%' permissions before the import:
> If these apply then the import fails after all tables are imported but before 
> the views are imported - hence the GUI struggles to display data.

Could this be related to the fact that views are created with the creating 
user's permissions by default?
When I recently migrated our CS database to a new host, I ran into errors 
because of subtle root user changes (i.e. different host parts) on the new DB 

MySQL/MariaDB sets the SQL SECURITY to DEFINER by default, which means that the 
exact user/hostname combo must exist on the target host when importing a 
database. In my opinion, this makes absolutely no sense. The default should be 
INVOKER, i.e. queries on the view should be executed with the permissions of 
the user sending the query on the view, not those of the user who created the 
view in the first place.

See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-view.html for more info on 
the topic.

Is there a particular reason why CloudStack uses the MySQL default? Perhaps all 
views should be changed to use SQL SECURITY INVOKER?

My quick fix to the problem was to comment out the DEFINER = ... lines from the 
database dump during import:
zcat cloudstack.sql.gz | grep -v "50013 DEFINER" | mysql -p

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