+1 to the new UI as it supports:
1. Faster development of features 
2. Better experience as a user
3. Easy customisation declaratively 


> On 20-Sep-2019, at 8:17 AM, Siddhartha Kattoju <skatt...@cloudops.com> wrote:
> +1 from me as well.
> Just a side note: I feel like there is a high risk of tldr here. May be its
> just me. It may be would be good to put most of the details in a wiki page
> and just post a summarized version on the list ?
> *Sid Kattoju*
> Cloud Software Architect | Professional Services
> c 514.466.0951
> * <https://goo.gl/NYZ8KK>*
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 8:10 AM Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> == Summary ==
>> I have been working on a new, modern role-based UI for Cloudstack (project
>> Primate: https://github.com/shapeblue/primate) I demoed this for the
>> first time at CCCNA19 last week and it was very well received. It was
>> discussed, at length, as an item in the hackathon and the general consensus
>> there was that this could become Cloudstacks new UI. We discussed a plan to
>> achieve that and now I’m bringing that plan to the list for discussion.
>> == Background ==
>> The current CloudStack UI has grown technical debt over time and it has
>> become harder to extend, develop, maintain in the long run, it is also
>> difficult for new contributors to learn and get started. Since late 2018, I
>> started working on a side-project with the aim to create a modern
>> progressive and role-based declaratively-programmed UI for CloudStack,
>> called Primate. Before creating Primate, I set out to create a list of core
>> requirements of what would give us an extensible, modern UI that was easy
>> to develop now and in the future. These are the requirements I came up with:
>>  *   designed from ground up to be  a complete replacement for our
>> combined user/admin UI
>>  *   to respect all entities in cloudstack and not make assumptions on
>> use-cases of cloudstack
>>  *   data-driven and auto-generation of UI widgets and to be easy to
>> learn, develop, extend, customise and maintain.
>>  *   declarative programming
>>  *   support for API discovery and parameter completion like CloudMonkey
>>  *   support for custom roles
>> I looked at existing Cloudstack UI projects but none of them fully
>> satisfied all these requirements and started Primate.
>> == Project Primate ==
>> For the implementation, I compared a couple of opensource JS and UI
>> frameworks and decided to use VueJS (https://vuejs.org<https://vuejs.org/>)
>> which is a JavaScript framework and AntD (https://ant.design<
>> https://ant.design/>) which is a UI design language with a well-defined
>> spec, styling guide, and an implementation-specific to VueJS. VueJS was
>> selected because among a few other JS frameworks I surveyed it was the
>> easiest (for me) to learn and get started. I also surveyed a few UI
>> frameworks and selected AntD because it came with a well-defined spec,
>> styling guide and VueJS specific implementation which gives several
>> re-usable components out of the box.
>> During the development of Primate, I used my previous experience from
>> CloudMonkey and another PoC angular-based UI ProjectX, and it currently
>> supports:
>>  *   role-based UI based on API autodiscovery
>>  *   auto-generated action/API forms with parameter completion
>>  *   declarative component-driven views
>>  *   modern programming methodologies (hot reloading, npm based
>> build/run/compile etc.)
>>  *   decoupled from core Cloudstack code
>>  *   dynamic translation (most/many of old translation files ported)
>>  *   includes dashboards, async job/API polling, all list views/tables
>> per the old UI
>>  *   browser history and url/route driven navigation
>>  *   support for mobiles/tables/desktop screens
>>  *   configuration driven UI customisation (of navigation, icons, APIs
>> etc)
>> To get to this point, I’ve had some valuable help from Anurag and Sven et
>> al at EWerk.
>> The development strategy to support all APIs out of the box in a
>> data-driven way gives a functioning UI and scope to customise
>> views/components over time. Support to declaratively add actions on all
>> views and some action/customisation (ex. vm/zone deployment wizard) is in
>> progress. The work was recently discussed and demo-ed at CCCNA19, the
>> slides of my talk are here:
>> https://rohityadav.cloud/files/talks/cccna19-primate.pdf
>> == Discussion ==
>> With this discussion thread, I want to propose the idea hatched in the
>> recent hackathon for Primate to become the next UI for CloudStack. I’d like
>> to seek everybody's thoughts, feedback, comments, and reviews on that idea.
>> Obviously, part of any new UI project would mean that the existing UI
>> development would eventually get abandoned. In the hackathon we discussed a
>> potential plan to formally deprecate the old UI. I therefore think that
>> this is something that needs discussion here and a vote if its going to
>> happen.
>> In summary, that plan is as follows (with proposed timeframes in
>> [brackets]) :
>>  *   allow the community to download & experience the UI
>>  *   discuss and gather consensus around Primate [now]
>>  *   take a vote on whether to take this plan forward [next few weeks]
>>  *   create a new repository under Cloudstack and accept Primate
>> codebase, work on initial documentation with getting started, styling guide
>> etc (i.e. make this part of the cloudstack project) [after the vote, if
>> agreed]
>>  *   collaborate to get primate to be functionally on-par with current
>> CloudStack UI, gather feedback, issues, iterate development/testing etc.
>> [2-3 months before winter LTS release]
>>  *   release Primate with winter LTS 2019 release as a technical preview
>> and also give notice of deprecation plan for existing UI
>>  *   define a release approach (separate repo/releases with separate
>> rpm/deb repo, or use git subrepo/subtree/submodule with CloudStack
>> repository?) [Before winter LTS release?]
>>  *   optionally  stop taking feature FRs in old UI and create upgrade
>> path/plan documentation from old UI to Primate
>>  *   Release Primate GA in summer LTS 2020 release as the new UI, but
>> still ship old UI with a final deprecation notice
>>  *   old UI reaches EOL in Winter lts 2020, old UI codebase is removed
>> from codebase (this gives one year period from winter LTS 2019 Primate
>> technical preview for community and users to discuss/comment/upgrade)
>> So, the last release of the old UI would be in summer 2020 LTS. According
>> to our LTS schedule, this would be supported under LTS until summer 2022
>> (but, with no new UI functionality after summer 2020)
>> The repository is currently available here:
>> https://github.com/shapeblue/primate and has instructions on getting
>> started – I’d encourage everybody to look at the work to date.
>> If anybody is keen to contribute in the meantime, I can receive
>> bugs/requests/feedback as new issues:
>> https://github.com/shapeblue/primate/issues
>> Links:
>> Git repository: https://github.com/shapeblue/primate
>> Issues: https://github.com/shapeblue/primate/issues
>> Screenshots: https://twitter.com/rhtyd/status/1171224978714288129
>> CCCNA19 talk slides:
>> https://rohityadav.cloud/files/talks/cccna19-primate.pdf
>> Thanks and regards.
>> Regards,
>> Rohit Yadav
>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
>> https://www.shapeblue.com
>> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
>> www.shapeblue.com
>> Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK
>> @shapeblue

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