Hi Rohit,

I have no major remarks on what you've already shared/proposed, besides a
few things:

- From user-perspective (even though ACS and Primate are separate projects)
- in my opinion, we should keep al Primate documentation together with
CloudStack documentation, so that a user can see everything in one place
(single place of truth)  - this means keeping the Primate WIKI as "empty"
as possible (i.e. the WIKI page can contain links back to the
docs.cloudstack.apache.org, beside's some DEV specifics that you might want
to keep in WIKI only)
- For the Technical preview, I would agree with skipping the official
voting process now, as it's "just" a preview - once we have this release
ready, I would be happy to see those links/instructions in the official
4.14 documentation
- I still think we should use the originally proposed naming convention for
nightly build - in case we ever decide to support different branches of
Primate (for whatever reason) - and for the official/voted builds - I don't
see any issues keeping the timestamp (some package vendrods/devs do that),
though it looks more polished if we remove the date stamp for these
official builds.
- For official releases of Primate (delivered with i.e. ACS 4.15 in
figure), we should carefully craft folder structure on
download.cloudstack.apache.org to make it easy for end-user to know which
specific Primate version is shipped/voted to work with a specific
CloudStack version (as we most probably won't be bundling that with the
cloudstack-management RPM/DEB packages)


On Mon, 11 May 2020 at 11:04, Sven Vogel <s.vo...@ewerk.com> wrote:

> Hi Rohit, Hi Daan,
>  1.  Documentation for tech preview
> I agree with Rohit. For me the both suggestions with links sound like a
> good idea. We should add the download links for official releases or
> installations for each method on both sites. Maybe its a good idea to have
> both in sync to we save us the double work. How can we get them in sync? An
> important point is always the double work. So if there is a method to get
> them fast in sync in see no problem but if there is many hand work to do
> maybe its easier to refer from wiki -> to readthedocs or vice versa. I
> would like to prevent outdated docs on one place.
> @Daan
> I think Primate should be documented by means of help pop-ups with links to
> the underlaying API and admin docs. How big do you expect this
> documentation to become? (I would think it is only a short readme on first
> use)
> — How could this work? Where we could find the help pop-ups and where
> should they located?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  2.  Types of Primate packages:
> *   deb/rpm: Primate already supports deb/rpm packages. This mode will
> allow users to install "cloudstack-primate" on the management server where
> Primate will be served from the management server just like the old UI.
> *   docker container: Primate support docker containers to be built/used
> which takes a nginx config to proxy /client path to any management server.
> *   archive build: A built archive (tar.gz) of Primate can be extracted
> and allow users/admins to do any custom hosting with it, other than (a) or
> (b).
> — For me all three methods are a good idea because we give the user the
> greatest flexibility.
> a) a repository for rpm and deb
> b) publish a docker like ready to use version always dockerhub. By the way
> everybody can build there own docker container
> c) publish the tar.gz on the release section in GitHub or as tar.gz on
> repository too? What do you think @Rohit, @Daan?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  3.  Hosting packages/releases
> *   Use download.cloudstack.org<http://download.cloudstack.org> for
> hosting (a) deb/rpm repos, and (c) archive builds.
> — sounds good to me. I would prefer this place.
> *   Use the apache dockerhub org to publish official Primate container
> images: https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/cloudstack-primate
> — sounds good to me. I would prefer docker hub
> My suggestion is to host the tar.gz as release with tags on GitHub, but I
> am open to put it on the repsository too. Its depend on the work we have
> and maybe its better to have rpm, deb or
> So I thinks this is good because we have three good understandable places.
> Most people look for a repository for rpm/deb, docker on dockerhub and code
> release (tar.gz) on GitHub.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 4.  Tech Preview releasing
>  *   The versioning is set to: <major>.<minor>.<security>-<date-stamp> for
> example:
> cloudstack-primate-0.4.0-20200506.x86_64.rpm
> — sounds good to me. Its a good practise to use the kernel versioning like
> <major>.<minor>.<security/patchlevel/revision>.<stable version>. Maybe we
> should remove the timestamp.
> cloudtack-primate-
> cloudtack-primate-
> For docker we need maybe a simpler one
> cloudstack-prinate:latest
> cloudtack-primate:
> For me its the best way don’t use names like stable or nightly directly in
> the file names. So we have always a increasing number but in different
> directory. its possible to mix them if you want. Normally no one should do
> that but… A better way would for me like
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/centos/4.11/
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/debian/4.11/
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/centos/latest -> point to
> centos/4.11 or whatever
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/nightly/centos/
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/nightly/debian/<
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/centos/latest>
> Or
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/stable/centos/4.11/
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/stable/debian/4.11/
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/centos/latest -> point to
> 4.11 or whatever
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/nightly/centos/
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/nightly/debian/<
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/releases/centos/latest>
> Its sure possible to make it more clear like /el7/ or /el8/ but I think
> this is not so important.
> I hope I don’t forget something in the discussion. Thanks Rohit for your
> good prepare of the work here. So its now easier to refine this.
> Cheers
> Sven
> __
> Sven Vogel
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> Am 08.05.2020 um 12:21 schrieb Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> <mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>>:
> Hi Daan,
> Thanks for replying and participating. Some points:
>  *   The document links within Primate is a different topic than the docs
> for Primate itself, the scope of current discussion is limited to
> documentation for Primate. The doc link within Primate would be done
> against the 1.0/GA milestone, it would require going through all the
> sections/APIs against the current CloudStack docs and put a link (or part
> of it).
>  *   The documentation for Primate currently won't be huge, perhaps a
> single long page would do (to explain how to install).
>  *   Primate would be a separately installable package and installing
> cloudstack-management won't automatically trigger installing it (at least
> in the tech preview, we can discuss how we handle longer term starting with
> GA/1.0 later).
>  *   We've setup automation for all kinds of packaging formats/channels
> (we already have that for rpm/deb and archive formats, except for dockerhub
> hosting which is in discussion with ASF infra). I think publishing
> artifacts should be quick and mostly automated.
>  *   Github has a new feature called Github packages for each repo, where
> one can host things like npm, docker packages etc. We can explore this
> feature.
> On a Github release wrt a git tag, we can upload an artifact (I've seen
> many projects doing this).
>  *   On releasing without voting, my thought and preference is that as our
> users test Primate, and report bugs and until GA/1.0 we fix those issues,
> implement missing feature users get faster fixes via a "preview" or
> "testing" or "beta" release channel periodically (deb/rpms repos, archives,
> docker container builds).
> Doing this would require that we agree on this strategy, without a single
> tag/version but a set of releases (with a timestamp, so packages would look
> like cloudstack-primate-$version-$date). So effectively we're saying -
> let's release the tech preview without doing an official release (which
> would mean a fix git tag/version). This is where the discussion of a single
> tech preview release vs rolling tech preview release would come in.
> Looking forward to more feedback from our dev/user community and of course
> our VP @Sven Vogel<mailto:s.vo...@ewerk.com> who has been a major
> Primate-SIG collaborator. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Rohit Yadav
> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> https://www.shapeblue.com<https://www.shapeblue.com/>
> ________________________________
> From: Daan Hoogland <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com<mailto:
> daan.hoogl...@gmail.com>>
> Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2020 12:34
> To: dev <dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org>>
> Cc: us...@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:us...@cloudstack.apache.org> <
> us...@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:us...@cloudstack.apache.org>>
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Primate - publishing release and docs
> Hey Rohit,
> This is a lot to take in at once. We have discussed some of those off line
> but let me give my initial answers to your discussion points inline.
> Hopefully those more directly involved and with more at stake can give some
> input as well.
> On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 3:03 PM Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> <mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>>
> wrote:
> All,
> With this thread I want to start a discussion around:
>  *   How do we host/publish technical preview release
>  *   How do we host/publish technical preview documentation (release
> notes, setup/install instructions)
> To set the expectation:
>  *   This thread limits discussion wrt technical preview (beta).
>  *   Plan we've already agreed, just to recap: ....
> ...
>  *   References:
>     *   Voting thread: https://markmail.org/message/tblrbrtew6cvrusr
>     *   Proposal:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Proposal%3A+CloudStack+Primate+UI
>     *   Discussion thread: https://markmail.org/message/z6fuvw4regig7aqb
> ...
>  *   Outstanding issues wrt 0.5-technical-preview milestone:
> https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate/milestone/1
>  *   Oustanding PRs for 0.5-technical-preview:
> https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+no%3Amilestone
> ...
>  1.  Documentation for tech preview:
> It is preferred that Primate be developed, maintained and released
> separately from CloudStack. Primate would require its own docs
> website/location for hosting release notes etc. I can think of two ways:
>     *   For tech preview, let's just a section/topic on Primate on how
> users can install and use Primate on the docs website:
> http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/latest/primateguide (it does not
> exist, just for example)
> For each CloudStack release, the docs may be updated, including list of
> supported/required versions matrix (both CloudStack and Primate).
> For tech preview, this needs to be on the docs website.
>     *   On Github wiki: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate/wiki
> we can maintain a copy of text/pages from above ^^, as well as links on the
> Github release for every git tag. A general guide (agnostic of Primate
> version) could be written/hosted there.
> (similar to CloudStack releases, for example:
> https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/releases/tag/
> I think Primate should be documented by means of help pop-ups with links to
> the underlaying API and admin docs. How big do you expect this
> documentation to become? (I would think it is only a short readme on first
> use)
>  2.  Types of Primate packages:
>     *   deb/rpm: Primate already supports deb/rpm packages. This mode
> will allow users to install "cloudstack-primate" on the management server
> where Primate will be served from the management server just like the old
> UI.
>     *   docker container: Primate support docker containers to be
> built/used which takes a nginx config to proxy /client path to any
> management server.
>     *   archive build: A built archive (tar.gz) of Primate can be
> extracted and allow users/admins to do any custom hosting with it, other
> than (a) or (b).
> The install/setup/usage instructions are in general as follows: (will be
> properly documented on the docs website/location)
> - For (a), we need setup the repository, then run (1) yum/apt-get update,
> (2) yum/apt-get install <cloudstack-primate> on a management server host.
> - For (b), we need to run the docker container and pass a nginx config
> file. (similar to https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate#docker)
> - For (c), we extract and use Primate in a custom setup (that's upto the
> user/admin); they may also fork/customise Primate and build (as per
> https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate#production).
> I agree, it makes it easier to develop. as long as the installation can
> combine a suitable primate with each cloudstack, OR vice versa; one could
> `dnf/pkg install cloudstack --withUI`. This might be unecessary
> complivcated in wich case we could go for separate pkgs and pkgs-withUI.
> In general the flexibility you are describing is good but might be hard to
> maintain.
>  3.  Hosting packages/releases:
>     *   Use download.cloudstack.org<http://download.cloudstack.org> for
> hosting (a) deb/rpm repos, and
> (c) archive builds.
> For example: I've setup a Jenkins job that builds (daily) latest Primate
> master and rsyncs the (a) and (c) packages here "for testing purposes
> only":
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/testing/master/
> In additional, for every release we can have a Github release/tag (where
> we attach archive builds).
>     *   Use the apache dockerhub org to publish official Primate
> container images:
> https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/cloudstack-primate
> (this is 404 for now, I've started a discuss with asf infra/dev community
> to have this sorted, we've a dockerfile in git repo; for "testing only" I
> was able to build and publish image here:
> https://hub.docker.com/r/cloudstack/primate -- I'll remove this once the
> apache/cloudstack-primate is setup)
> Alternative, host on Github:
> https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate/packages?package_type=Docker
> this is only for source archives right? not packages.
>  4.  Tech Preview releasing:
>     *   The versioning is set to: <major>.<minor>.<security>-<date-stamp>
> for example:
> cloudstack-primate-0.4.0-20200506.x86_64.rpm<
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/testing/master/centos/cloudstack-primate-0.4.0-20200506.x86_64.rpm
> cloudstack-primate_0.4.0-20200506_all.deb<
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/testing/master/debian/cloudstack-primate_0.4.0-20200506_all.deb
> cloudstack-primate-0.4.0-20200506.tar.gz<
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/testing/master/cloudstack-primate-0.4.0-20200506.tar.gz
> apache/cloudstack-primate:latest (or some tag similar to above for docker
> builds ^^)
>     *   Since this is not the official/GA release, tech preview does not
> need to be voted. Any other thoughts?
> right, let's double check this maybe @Sven, our VP can ask around?
>     *   Should we do a single tech preview RC/release, or we setup a
> periodic build/release (say every day/week/month) on all the tech preview
> release channels (deb/rpm repositories, dockerhub etc.) This would allow us
> to take feedback/bugs/issues, fix them and release them quickly for users
> to test.
> I think git clone and git pull would suffice for those that need a newer
> version (packaging scripts are included in the repo, right?)
> We already have a daily job that runs builds latest master and rsyncs on
> http://download.cloudstack.org/primate/testing/master/ now (just deb/rpm
> and tar.gz archive). We also have a live QA Primate server that we can
> build/test Primate master against
> http://primate-qa.cloudstack.cloud:8080/client/master (this auto-updates
> against master every 30mins).
> I think all in all this has been a great job, Rohit. Thanks to you and all
> other involved!
> Please discuss and share your feedback, agreements/disagreements,
> solutions. Anything else we should consider?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Rohit Yadav
> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> https://www.shapeblue.com
> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> www.shapeblue.com<http://www.shapeblue.com/><http://www.shapeblue.com<
> http://www.shapeblue.com/>>
> 3 London Bridge Street,  3rd floor, News Building, London  SE1 9SGUK
> @shapeblue
> --
> Daan
> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> www.shapeblue.com<http://www.shapeblue.com/>
> 3 London Bridge Street,  3rd floor, News Building, London  SE1 9SGUK
> @shapeblue


Andrija Panić

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