Thanks for stepping up, Nicolas!


On 2023-01-25 16:47, Nicolas Vazquez wrote:
Hi all,

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2023 has already been announced and the timeline is available on this link: I would like to volunteer as the coordinator for our GSoC involvement this year if nobody objects.

Starting from this week, organizations can start submitting applications for the program. To submit your idea please create a GitHub issue at the official ACS repository with label “gsoc23” (such as:, we’ll later review and work with the ASF guys to make this list available for applications. You will also need to register as a mentor. To become a mentor you don’t need to be committer or PMC, just to have an idea and the will to support and guide a contributor developing it. Registering is also easy, please send an email to private@ and ask to be recognized as such.

You can find the general information of the program on:

The announcement for this year:

There are no major changes from the last year’s program, the only difference is this year GSoC is accepting begginers on open source software development and students as contributors.

Please directly add your project idea, and of course if you have questions I’ll be available to help.

Nicolas Vazquez

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