On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 02:58:32 +0200, "Joerg Heinicke"
> Ah, there is a magic thing "shift"? I have looked for anything like 
> that, but didn't find it.

It's there in cocoon.bat already! But I've just found out that it does
not affect $* :-(


That page has code showing how to handle more than 10 parameters, but I
can't immediately think of how to get that to work when you just want to
pass them on to another app in one go, rather than one by one.

So I don't know what to do (other than make the CLI ignore 'cli' as its
first argument) :-(

> The problem while using $* is, that $0 is passed 
> (http://www.labmice.net/articles/batchcmds.htm#variable). So it works in 
> general ($0 is shifted), but you need it twice to shift $1 too. As you 
> see my change was from $* to $1 $2 ..., so "cli" is still passed as 
> argument, but shifted.

> Can you revert my change, do the shifting a second time if it's "cli" 
> (compatibility to Win 9x) or in general if Win 9x can pass $0 too and at 
> the end point me to the shifting code? I don't have access to CVS, 
> Cocoon in the next days/weeks - have to pass exams.

I'll try. My HDD died, so I'm using my mum's computer! Just downloaded
from CVS, should now be able to do updates, we'll see...

Regards, Upayavira

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