Steven Noels wrote:
> I went in afterwards and edited README.html, .htaccess and HEADER.html
> in order to downsize and rationalize the download area
> ( - please crosscheck.
Thanks! great!

> Carsten, I found some files (a symlink) which aren't chmod g+w - could
> you change these?
No :) These are symlinks and afaik it's not possible to change them or there
is a trick. A usual chmod doesn't work.

> lrwxr-xr-x   1 cziegeler  cocoon    32 Jul 29 02:16
> cocoon-2.1rc1-src.tar.gz
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 cziegeler  cocoon    29 Jul 29 02:16
> Also, the +x bit shouldn't be set on .sig files in the SOURCES directory.
Ups, yepp, removed them.

Usually you should be able to modify yourself the rights as they
all have group access.


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