vgritsenko    2003/07/30 20:23:53

  Modified:    lib      jars.xml
  fix broken links to "???". align.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.73      +772 -760  cocoon-2.1/lib/jars.xml
  Index: jars.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-2.1/lib/jars.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.72
  retrieving revision 1.73
  diff -u -r1.72 -r1.73
  --- jars.xml  30 Jul 2003 08:21:42 -0000      1.72
  +++ jars.xml  31 Jul 2003 03:23:53 -0000      1.73
  @@ -11,771 +11,783 @@
  - <file>
  -  <title>Doug Lea's Concurrent Utilities</title>
  -  <description>
  -    The concurrency management primitives that will be the 
  -    foundation of JDK 1.5 concurrency management.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/util.concurrent-1.3.1.jar</lib>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur DataSource</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development. 
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>databases/lib/excalibur-datasource-1.1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakarta Commons CLI</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of jakarta-commons, it's a package that
  -   is used to manage commandline options.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/commons-cli-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Component</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-component-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Event</title>
  -  <description>
  -   This is the Excalibur Event package which includes event queues,
  -   asynchronous command processing, and the interfaces to support
  -   event based programming.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon Flow</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-event-1.0.3.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur I18n</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-i18n-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-instrument-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument Manager</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-instrument-manager-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument Manager Interfaces</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-instrument-manager-interfaces-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur IO</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-io-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Logger</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-logger-1.0.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Monitor</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-monitor-1.0.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Naming</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-naming-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Pool</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-pool-1.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur SourceResolve</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-sourceresolve-20030715.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Store</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-store-20030726.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur XMLUtil</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/excalibur-xmlutil-20030520.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Framework</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  -   support high level server development.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/avalon-framework-4.1.4.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon AltRMI Common</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon for communicating with a remote
  -   server.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/altrmi-common-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon AltRMI Server implementation</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon for communicating with a remote
  -   server.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/altrmi-server-impl-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon AltRMI Server interfaces</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon for communicating with a remote
  -   server.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/altrmi-server-interfaces-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon AltRMI Registry</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of avalon for communicating with a remote
  -   server.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/altrmi-registry-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakarta Commons Collections</title>
  -  <description>Common implementations of collection classes.</description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/commons-collections-2.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakarta Regexp</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Regexp is a Java Regular Expression package that was graciously
  -   donated to the Apache Software Foundation by Jonathan Locke.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>sitemap matchers</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Logkit</title>
  -  <description>
  -   avalon-logkit is a logging toolkit designed for secure
  -   performance orientated logging in applications.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon logging</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/logkit-1.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>LogFactor5</title>
  -  <description>
  -   LogFactor5 is a graphical logkit browser, distributed
  -   as a part of Log4J.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon logging</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/logfactor5-1.2.8.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>The XSLT processor</title>
  -  <description>
  -    Xalan is an XSLT processor that fully supports the W3C specs.
  -    Includes XSLTC.
  -  </description>
  -  <ant-target>jar</ant-target>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>endorsed/xalan-2.5.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>The XML parser</title>
  -  <description>Xerces is an XML parser.</description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <ant-target>jars</ant-target>
  -  <lib>endorsed/xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>The XML APIs</title>
  -  <description>
  -   JAXP, DOM and SAX interfaces. 
  -   These are the common interfaces for XML processing.
  -  </description>
  -  <ant-target>external</ant-target>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>endorsed/xml-apis.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Batik</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Batik is a Java based toolkit for applications which handle images in
  -   the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as
  -   viewing, generation or manipulation.</description>
  -  <used-by>SVG serializer (batik block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>batik/lib/batik-all-1.5b5.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>BSF scripting framework</title>
  -  <description>
  -   The Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is an architecture for
  -   incorporating scripting into, and enabling scripting against, Java
  -   applications and applets. Using BSF, an application can use scripting,
  -   and become scriptable, against any BSF-supported language. When BSF
  -   supports additional languages, the application will automatically
  -   support the additional languages.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Script generator, script action (bsf block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>bsf/lib/bsf-2.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Device capabilities</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Open Source Delivery Context Java Library supporting CC/PP and UAProf.
  -   Different web-enabled devices have different input, output, hardware,
  -   software, network and browser capabilities. In order for a web server or
  -   web-based application to provide optimized content to different clients
  -   it requires a description of the capabilities of the client known as the
  -   delivery context.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>deli/lib/deli-0.9.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakart Commons HttpClient</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Although the package provides basic support for accessing
  -   resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility or
  -   functionality needed by many applications. The Jakarta Commons HttpClient
  -   component seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date,
  -   and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent
  -   HTTP standards and recommendations.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>SOAP logicsheet, WebServiceProxyGenerator, HttpProxyGenerator</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/commons-httpclient-2.0-beta2.jar</lib>
  -  <lib>optional/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>iText XML to PDF/HTML/RTF converter (Renderer)</title>
  -  <description>iText reads XML documents and turns them into PDFs</description>
  -  <used-by>iText serializer</used-by>
  -  <lib>itext/lib/itext-0.99.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>iText XML to PDF/HTML/RTF converter (XML APIs)</title>
  -  <description>iText reads XML documents and turns them into PDFs</description>
  -  <used-by>iText serializer</used-by>
  -  <lib>itext/lib/itext-xml-0.99.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>XML FO processor</title>
  -  <description>
  -   FOP is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree conforming to
  -   the XSL recommendation and then turns it into a PDF document.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>FOP serializer (fop block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>fop/lib/fop-0.20.5.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>XSL-FO to RTF converter</title>
  -  <description>jfor is a Java application that reads XSL-FO documents
  -        and converts them to RTF format, allowing them to be loaded in
  -        common wordprocessors.
  -    </description>
  -  <used-by>RTF serializer (jfor block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>jfor/lib/jfor-0.7.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Simple SQL database</title>
  -  <description>hsqldb is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC
  -       driver, supporting a subset of ANSI-92 SQL. It offers a small, fast
  -       database engine which offers both in memory and disk based 
  -  <used-by>Cocoon samples webapp</used-by>
  -  <lib>hsqldb/lib/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Create proprietary file formats</title>
  -  <description>
  -   The POI project consists of APIs for manipulating
  -   various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document
  -   format using pure Java.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>MS Excel serializer (poi block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>poi/lib/jakarta-poi-1.10.0-dev-20030222.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jena RDF framework</title>
  -  <description>Jena is a java API for manipulating RDF models.</description>
  -  <used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>deli/lib/jena-1.4.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>JISP</title>
  -  <description></description>
  -  <used-by>JISP file storage</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/jisp-2.5.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Java Formatter</title>
  -  <description>This program formats Java code with consistent indentation and so
  -       forth, to make it easier to read and maintain.</description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/jstyle.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Transform HTML to XML</title>
  -  <description>Tidy is a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer.</description>
  -  <used-by>HTML generator (html block), RSSTransformer (Portal block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>html/lib/jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Search engine</title>
  -  <description>jakarta-lucene is a search engine toolkit designed for 
  -       indexing and searching of documents.</description>
  -  <used-by>Lucene block</used-by>
  -  <lib>lucene/lib/lucene-1.2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Java compiler</title>
  -  <description>Java Compiler</description>
  -  <used-by>XSP</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/pizza-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>XML RDF parser</title>
  -  <description></description>
  -  <used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>deli/lib/rdffilter.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>XML Catalog Entity Resolver</title>
  -  <description>Maps URIs to other URIs using the mechanisms defined by
  -          OASIS Catalog or XML Catalog. Mainly used for DTDs and character
  -          entity sets.
  -        </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon Role entity-resolver</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/resolver-20030708.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Servlet API</title>
  -  <description></description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/servlet_2_2.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Velocity engine</title>
  -  <description>Velocity is a general purpose template engine written in 
  -  <used-by>Velocity Generator (velocity block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>velocity/lib/velocity-1.4-dev-20030301.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>XML DB APIs</title>
  -  <description>Database tailored for the storage of XML data.</description>
  -  <used-by>XML:DB source (xmldb block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>xmldb/lib/xmldb-api-20011111.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakarta Commons JXPath</title>
  -  <description>XPath interpreter. Work with JavaBeans and DOM nodes</description>
  -  <used-by>Flow, JXPath logicsheet, and XMLForm</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/commons-jxpath-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakarta Commons Jexl</title>
  -  <description>JSTL Expression Language</description>
  -  <used-by>JXTemplateGenerator</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/commons-jexl-1.0-beta-1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Eclipse Java Development Tools Core</title>
  -  <description>Eclipse Java Compiler</description>
  -  <used-by>XSP</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/jdtcore-2.1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Continuations-based JavaScript engine</title>
  -  <description>Rhino is an implementation of JavaScript in Java.</description>
  -  <used-by>Control flow</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/rhino1.5r4-continuations-20030716.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Spark</title>
  -  <description>Spark is XML2SWF and SWF2XML converter</description>
  -  <used-by>SWF Serializer (swf block)</used-by>
  -  <lib>swf/lib/spark.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Chaperon Text Parser</title>
  -  <description>
  -    The chaperon project is parser which could parse text files, and 
  -    convert those to XML files.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Chaperon block</used-by>
  -  <lib>chaperon/lib/chaperon-20030407.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Castor</title>
  -  <description></description>
  -  <used-by>CastorTransformer and precept</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/castor-</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  -<!-- Currently only used by the build
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jing</title>
  -  <description>RELAX NG validator</description>
  -  <used-by>build</used-by>
  -  <lib>tools/lib/jing-20020724.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jaxen</title>
  -  <description> The Jaxen project is a Java XPath Engine. Jaxen is a universal 
object model walker, capable of evaluating XPath expressions across multiple models. 
Currently supported are dom4j and JDOM.</description>
  -  <used-by>core</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/jaxen-core-1.0-FCS.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jaxen Dom</title>
  -  <description> The Jaxen project is a Java XPath Engine. Jaxen is a universal 
object model walker, capable of evaluating XPath expressions across multiple models. 
Currently supported are dom4j and JDOM.</description>
  -  <used-by>core</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/jaxen-dom-1.0-FCS.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>SaxPath</title>
  -  <description>SAXPath is a Java XPath engine for use on a variety of XML object 
models including dom4j, DOM and JavaBeans.</description>
  -  <used-by>core</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/saxpath-1.0-FCS.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Slide kernel</title>
  -  <description>The Jakarta Slide kernel API.</description>
  -  <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  -  <lib>slide/lib/slide-kernel-20030322.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Slide roles</title>
  -  <description>The Jakarta Slide roles implementation.</description>
  -  <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  -  <lib>slide/lib/slide-roles-20030322.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Slide stores</title>
  -  <description>The Jakarta Slide stores implementation.</description>
  -  <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  -  <lib>slide/lib/slide-stores-20030322.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Slide WebDAV Servlet</title>
  -  <description>The Jakarta Slide WebDAV servlet.</description>
  -  <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  -  <lib>slide/lib/slide-webdavservlet-20030322.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Slide WebDAV Client library</title>
  -  <description>The Jakarta Slide WebDAV client library.</description>
  -  <used-by>WebDAV block</used-by>
  -  <lib>webdav/lib/slide-webdavlib-20030711.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>JDOM</title>
  -  <description>JDOM</description>
  -  <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  -  <lib>optional/jdom-dev-20020131.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>WSDL</title>
  -  <description>???</description>
  -  <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  -  <lib>axis/lib/wsdl4j.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage>???</homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>???</title>
  -  <description>???</description>
  -  <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  -  <lib>axis/lib/axis-saaj-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage>???</homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Avalon Excalibur Util</title>
  -  <description>???</description>
  -  <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  -  <lib>axis/lib/excalibur-util-1.0.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage>???</homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>???</title>
  -  <description>???</description>
  -  <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  -  <lib>axis/lib/commons-discovery.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage>???</homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>???</title>
  -  <description>???</description>
  -  <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  -  <lib>axis/lib/axis-jaxrpc-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage>???</homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>???</title>
  -  <description>???</description>
  -  <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  -  <lib>axis/lib/axis-1.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage>???</homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>Jakarta Commons lang</title>
  -  <description>
  -   Part of jakarta-commons, it's a package that
  -   provides extended services on base classes of the JDK,
  -   such as unrolling exceptions.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  -  <lib>core/commons-lang-1.0.1.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>xReporter expression language interpreter</title>
  -     <description>
  -    An expression language interpreter.
  -  </description>
  -     <used-by>Woody block</used-by>
  -  <lib>woody/lib/xreporter-expression-20030725.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -  <title>ORO</title>
  -  <description>
  -    Regular expression engine.
  -  </description>
  -  <used-by>Woody block</used-by>
  -  <lib>woody/lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.7.jar</lib>
  -  <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  - <file>
  -   <title>Joost</title>
  -   <description>Streaming Transformation for XML (STX) library</description>
  -   <used-by>STX block</used-by>
  -   <lib>stx/lib/joost-20030502.jar</lib>
  -   <homepage></homepage>
  - </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Doug Lea's Concurrent Utilities</title>
  +    <description>
  +      The concurrency management primitives that will be the 
  +      foundation of JDK 1.5 concurrency management.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/util.concurrent-1.3.1.jar</lib>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur DataSource</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development. 
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>databases/lib/excalibur-datasource-1.1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Commons CLI</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of jakarta-commons, it's a package that
  +      is used to manage commandline options.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/commons-cli-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Component</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-component-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Event</title>
  +    <description>
  +      This is the Excalibur Event package which includes event queues,
  +      asynchronous command processing, and the interfaces to support
  +      event based programming.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon Flow</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-event-1.0.3.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur I18n</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-i18n-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-instrument-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument Manager</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-instrument-manager-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument Manager Interfaces</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-instrument-manager-interfaces-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur IO</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-io-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Logger</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-logger-1.0.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Monitor</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-monitor-1.0.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Naming</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-naming-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Pool</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-pool-1.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur SourceResolve</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-sourceresolve-20030715.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Store</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-store-20030726.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur XMLUtil</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/excalibur-xmlutil-20030520.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Framework</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
  +      support high level server development.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/avalon-framework-4.1.4.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon AltRMI Common</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/altrmi-common-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon AltRMI Server implementation</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/altrmi-server-impl-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon AltRMI Server interfaces</title>
  +    <description>
  +     Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/altrmi-server-interfaces-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon AltRMI Registry</title>
  +    <description>
  +     Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/altrmi-registry-0.9.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Commons Collections</title>
  +    <description>Common implementations of collection classes.</description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/commons-collections-2.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Regexp</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Regexp is a Java Regular Expression package that was graciously
  +      donated to the Apache Software Foundation by Jonathan Locke.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>sitemap matchers</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Logkit</title>
  +    <description>
  +      avalon-logkit is a logging toolkit designed for secure
  +      performance oriented logging in applications.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon logging</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/logkit-1.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>LogFactor5</title>
  +    <description>
  +      LogFactor5 is a graphical logkit browser, distributed
  +      as a part of Log4J.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon logging</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/logfactor5-1.2.8.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>The XSLT processor</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Xalan is an XSLT processor that fully supports the W3C specs.
  +      Includes XSLTC.
  +    </description>
  +    <ant-target>jar</ant-target>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>endorsed/xalan-2.5.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>The XML parser</title>
  +    <description>Xerces is an XML parser.</description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <ant-target>jars</ant-target>
  +    <lib>endorsed/xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>The XML APIs</title>
  +    <description>
  +      JAXP, DOM and SAX interfaces. 
  +      These are the common interfaces for XML processing.
  +    </description>
  +    <ant-target>external</ant-target>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>endorsed/xml-apis.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Batik</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Batik is a Java based toolkit for applications which handle images in
  +      the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as
  +      viewing, generation or manipulation.</description>
  +    <used-by>SVG serializer (batik block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>batik/lib/batik-all-1.5b5.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>BSF scripting framework</title>
  +    <description>
  +      The Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is an architecture for
  +      incorporating scripting into, and enabling scripting against, Java
  +      applications and applets. Using BSF, an application can use scripting,
  +      and become scriptable, against any BSF-supported language. When BSF
  +      supports additional languages, the application will automatically
  +      support the additional languages.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Script generator, script action (bsf block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>bsf/lib/bsf-2.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Device capabilities</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Open Source Delivery Context Java Library supporting CC/PP and UAProf.
  +      Different web-enabled devices have different input, output, hardware,
  +      software, network and browser capabilities. In order for a web server or
  +      web-based application to provide optimized content to different clients
  +      it requires a description of the capabilities of the client known as the
  +      delivery context.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>deli/lib/deli-0.9.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Commons HttpClient</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Although the package provides basic support for accessing
  +      resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility or
  +      functionality needed by many applications. The Jakarta Commons HttpClient
  +      component seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date,
  +      and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent
  +      HTTP standards and recommendations.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>SOAP logicsheet, WebServiceProxyGenerator, HttpProxyGenerator</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/commons-httpclient-2.0-beta2.jar</lib>
  +    <lib>optional/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>iText XML to PDF/HTML/RTF converter (Renderer)</title>
  +    <description>iText reads XML documents and turns them into PDFs</description>
  +    <used-by>iText serializer</used-by>
  +    <lib>itext/lib/itext-0.99.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>iText XML to PDF/HTML/RTF converter (XML APIs)</title>
  +    <description>iText reads XML documents and turns them into PDFs</description>
  +    <used-by>iText serializer</used-by>
  +    <lib>itext/lib/itext-xml-0.99.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>XML FO processor</title>
  +    <description>
  +      FOP is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree conforming to
  +      the XSL recommendation and then turns it into a PDF document.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>FOP serializer (fop block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>fop/lib/fop-0.20.5.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>XSL-FO to RTF converter</title>
  +    <description>
  +      jfor is a Java application that reads XSL-FO documents
  +      and converts them to RTF format, allowing them to be loaded in
  +      common wordprocessors.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>RTF serializer (jfor block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>jfor/lib/jfor-0.7.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Simple SQL database</title>
  +    <description>
  +      hsqldb is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC
  +      driver, supporting a subset of ANSI-92 SQL. It offers a small, fast
  +      database engine which offers both in memory and disk based tables.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon samples webapp</used-by>
  +    <lib>hsqldb/lib/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Create proprietary file formats</title>
  +    <description>
  +      The POI project consists of APIs for manipulating
  +      various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document
  +      format using pure Java.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>MS Excel serializer (poi block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>poi/lib/jakarta-poi-1.10.0-dev-20030222.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jena RDF framework</title>
  +    <description>Jena is a java API for manipulating RDF models.</description>
  +    <used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>deli/lib/jena-1.4.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>JISP</title>
  +    <description></description>
  +    <used-by>JISP file storage</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/jisp-2.5.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Java Formatter</title>
  +    <description>
  +      This program formats Java code with consistent indentation and so
  +      forth, to make it easier to read and maintain.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/jstyle.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Transform HTML to XML</title>
  +    <description>Tidy is a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer.</description>
  +    <used-by>HTML generator (html block), RSSTransformer (Portal block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>html/lib/jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Search engine</title>
  +    <description>
  +      jakarta-lucene is a search engine toolkit designed for 
  +      indexing and searching of documents.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Lucene block</used-by>
  +    <lib>lucene/lib/lucene-1.2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Pizza Java Compiler</title>
  +    <description>Java Compiler</description>
  +    <used-by>XSP</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/pizza-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>XML RDF parser</title>
  +    <description></description>
  +    <used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>deli/lib/rdffilter.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>XML Catalog Entity Resolver</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Maps URIs to other URIs using the mechanisms defined by
  +      OASIS Catalog or XML Catalog. Mainly used for DTDs and character
  +      entity sets.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon Role entity-resolver</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/resolver-20030708.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Servlet API</title>
  +    <description></description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/servlet_2_2.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Velocity engine</title>
  +    <description>Velocity is a general purpose template engine written in 
  +    <used-by>Velocity Generator (velocity block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>velocity/lib/velocity-1.4-dev-20030301.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>XML DB APIs</title>
  +    <description>Database tailored for the storage of XML data.</description>
  +    <used-by>XML:DB source (xmldb block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>xmldb/lib/xmldb-api-20011111.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Commons JXPath</title>
  +    <description>XPath interpreter. Work with JavaBeans and DOM nodes</description>
  +    <used-by>Flow, JXPath logicsheet, and XMLForm</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/commons-jxpath-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Commons Jexl</title>
  +    <description>JSTL Expression Language</description>
  +    <used-by>JXTemplateGenerator</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/commons-jexl-1.0-beta-1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Eclipse Java Development Tools Core</title>
  +    <description>Eclipse Java Compiler</description>
  +    <used-by>XSP</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/jdtcore-2.1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Continuations-based JavaScript engine</title>
  +    <description>Rhino is an implementation of JavaScript in Java.</description>
  +    <used-by>Control flow</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/rhino1.5r4-continuations-20030716.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Spark</title>
  +    <description>Spark is XML2SWF and SWF2XML converter</description>
  +    <used-by>SWF Serializer (swf block)</used-by>
  +    <lib>swf/lib/spark.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Chaperon Text Parser</title>
  +    <description>
  +      The chaperon project is parser which could parse text files, and 
  +      convert those to XML files.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Chaperon block</used-by>
  +    <lib>chaperon/lib/chaperon-20030407.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Castor</title>
  +    <description></description>
  +    <used-by>CastorTransformer and precept</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/castor-</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <!-- Currently only used by the build
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jing</title>
  +    <description>RELAX NG validator</description>
  +    <used-by>build</used-by>
  +    <lib>tools/lib/jing-20020724.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  -->
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jaxen</title>
  +    <description>
  +      The Jaxen project is a Java XPath Engine. Jaxen is a universal object
  +      model walker, capable of evaluating XPath expressions across multiple
  +      models. Currently supported are dom4j and JDOM.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>core</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/jaxen-core-1.0-FCS.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jaxen Dom</title>
  +    <description>
  +      The Jaxen project is a Java XPath Engine. Jaxen is a universal object
  +      model walker, capable of evaluating XPath expressions across multiple
  +      models. Currently supported are dom4j and JDOM.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>core</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/jaxen-dom-1.0-FCS.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>SaxPath</title>
  +    <description>
  +      SAXPath is a Java XPath engine for use on a variety of XML object models
  +      including dom4j, DOM and JavaBeans.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>core</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/saxpath-1.0-FCS.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Slide kernel</title>
  +    <description>The Jakarta Slide kernel API.</description>
  +    <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  +    <lib>slide/lib/slide-kernel-20030322.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Slide roles</title>
  +    <description>The Jakarta Slide roles implementation.</description>
  +    <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  +    <lib>slide/lib/slide-roles-20030322.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Slide stores</title>
  +    <description>The Jakarta Slide stores implementation.</description>
  +    <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  +    <lib>slide/lib/slide-stores-20030322.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Slide WebDAV Servlet</title>
  +    <description>The Jakarta Slide WebDAV servlet.</description>
  +    <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  +    <lib>slide/lib/slide-webdavservlet-20030322.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Slide WebDAV Client library</title>
  +    <description>The Jakarta Slide WebDAV client library.</description>
  +    <used-by>WebDAV block</used-by>
  +    <lib>webdav/lib/slide-webdavlib-20030711.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>JDOM</title>
  +    <description>JDOM</description>
  +    <used-by>Slide block</used-by>
  +    <lib>optional/jdom-dev-20020131.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>WSDL</title>
  +    <description>???</description>
  +    <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  +    <lib>axis/lib/wsdl4j.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage>#</homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>???</title>
  +    <description>???</description>
  +    <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  +    <lib>axis/lib/axis-saaj-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage>#</homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Avalon Excalibur Util</title>
  +    <description>???</description>
  +    <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  +    <lib>axis/lib/excalibur-util-1.0.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage>#</homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>???</title>
  +    <description>???</description>
  +    <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  +    <lib>axis/lib/commons-discovery.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage>#</homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>???</title>
  +    <description>???</description>
  +    <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  +    <lib>axis/lib/axis-jaxrpc-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage>#</homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>???</title>
  +    <description>???</description>
  +    <used-by>Axis block</used-by>
  +    <lib>axis/lib/axis-1.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage>#</homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Jakarta Commons lang</title>
  +    <description>
  +      Part of jakarta-commons, it's a package that
  +      provides extended services on base classes of the JDK,
  +      such as unrolling exceptions.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Cocoon</used-by>
  +    <lib>core/commons-lang-1.0.1.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>xReporter expression language interpreter</title>
  +    <description>
  +      An expression language interpreter.
  +    </description>
  +    <used-by>Woody block</used-by>
  +    <lib>woody/lib/xreporter-expression-20030725.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>ORO</title>
  +    <description>Regular expression engine</description>
  +    <used-by>Woody block</used-by>
  +    <lib>woody/lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.7.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
  +  <file>
  +    <title>Joost</title>
  +    <description>Streaming Transformation for XML (STX) library</description>
  +    <used-by>STX block</used-by>
  +    <lib>stx/lib/joost-20030502.jar</lib>
  +    <homepage></homepage>
  +  </file>
       <title>QDox - Quick JavaDoc Scanner</title>
  -        QDox is a high speed, small footprint parser for extracting 
  -        definitions from source files complete with JavaDoc @tags.
  +      QDox is a high speed, small footprint parser for extracting 
  +      definitions from source files complete with JavaDoc @tags.
       <used-by>QDoxSource (qdox block)</used-by>
  -   </file>
  +  </file>

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