Stefano Mazzocchi dijo:
> why? visual programming is bullshit.
> It take half an hour to write a visual representation of something like
>   if (blah) {
>     dothis();
>   } else {
>     dothat();
>   }
> Try.
I totally agree. I can add: MS Visual programming is ...(what yoou said :)

But, there are some nice tools as VisualAge C++ from IBM. It was very easy
and fast because it was OO oriented. I used it in 1995. Also in 1993-94 I
used a CASE system from a company called Westmount that was also very
fast. It was Relational oriented, in the age when OOA and OOD was a "weird
thing" for most of the people.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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