On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

> Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> > Before the upcoming release, I'd like to promote the
> > TraversableGenerator stuff to the main trunk. There are several things
> > to discuss, though:
> >
> > 1. naming. TraversableGenerator sucks, yes. I guess the best option as
> > of now is SourceHierarchyGenerator, any others?
> +1 for SourceHierarchyGenerator
> > 2. merge Sylvain's stuff (caching, directory filter...). Sylvain, do
> > you think you can take care of that?
> Sorry, I should have done this before. Will do it today.
> > 3. namespace: is http://apache.org/cocoon/collection/1.0 ok?
> Mmmh... "collection" it a bit too vague IMO. Why not keeping the current
> "directory" namespace ?

At least, we should agree on one name

SourceHierarchyGenerator -> http://apache.org/cocoon/hierachy/1.0
SourceCollectionGenerator -> http://apache.org/cocoon/collection/1.0
SourceDirectoryGenerator -> http://apache.org/cocoon/directory/1.0

or DirectoryGenerator.

My 2cents, Stephan.

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