CFMP - don't you *love* new acronyms?

I have a theory that music playing requires a similar kind of brain than computer programming - lots of chaos mixed with some amount of math are required for both ;-)

After talking with the Belgian wing of the GetTogether team, it sounds like a jam session or some other forms of live music might be possible at the GetTogether 2003. Just turn off these silly PowerPoint sound effects so that the Cocoon Live Groove Academy can make some noise in between slides ;-)

Equipment availability is unsure yet but looks possible, so that even the ones among us who play big heavy loud instruments would be able to perform.

In order to find out what's possible, could those interested reply to this message, indicating what instrument(s) you play, what styles and how comfortable your are about playing unrehearsed with people that you didn't know five minutes ago.

This will allow the GetTogether team to decide what to do when.


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