Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Upayavira wrote:

Vadim has just fixed a bug with the persistent cache not shutting down properly. This means that the CLI has access to the Cocoon cache.

For a largely static site, should now be possible to have the CLI crawl a site, purely with the intention of building up the cache, which will then be used by the servlet.

Does this sound like a good idea

Yes. Wget has similar option too. This might be useful for checking for broken links as well.

Yup. And Wget is the CLI's main competition :-)

(or am I making some wrong assumptions, e.g. can the CLI and the servlet share the same persistent cache?)

If they (CLI/Servlet) produce cache entries with the same key -- then this will work.

So two completely different processes can access the same store file without conflict?

If this is useful (and would work), I can add an option to the CLI so that it doesn't write anything to disk, just builds up the cache.

Go ahead.

It's on my list!

Regards, Upayavira

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