What I would like to see in Cocoon is a build target that is sort of like
the following:

> build.bat production

This build would build cocoon according to the local.blocks.properties and
the local.build.properties. However, it would not include any samples,
demos, documentation, API documents, sub-sitemaps or any of the other stuff
that comes with cocoon. It would be a completely BLANK binary build. In the
sitemap there would be declarations for components I build but no pipelines
at all.

In addition there should be:

> build production_jetty

This target would produce an empty binary cocoon as described in the
previous target except this one would be merged with the Jetty container
including the batch files to start cocoon inside of Jetty.

This request follows the other thread about the subject but there was so
much flaming going on in that thread, I decided to let it die.Professional
developers building products for their companies or clients don't want to
deliver the whole ball of yarn because 1) the customer doesn't want the
whole ball of yarn and 2) the examples and documents are superfluous to a
deployed web application.

For any Cocoon developer that has worked on the build file this should be a
matter of an hour or two of work. For someone like me who isn't a Cocoon
developer, like me, it could take weeks to figure out all the dependencies
and integration. If Cocoon really wants to branch out into being a
production product like Tomcat, this build target is MANDATORY. The fact
that it isn't there right now is astounding to me!! I'm cocoon is not
intended to be actually used, please let me know.

-- Robert

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