Klaus Bertram wrote:
Hi all,

I have implement for the Linotype block the editor that also works with IE versions > 5.0
For my self I had test it with MOZ and IE 5.0, 6.0
and here are some of the main changes:
- the image names on upload
there was an problem withe the name geneartion of the images
the old one generate a number with an image counter, but when you
edit a side with 3 images and delete the second, save it and edit it
again, by adding an image the new name is image-3 which exists in
the side and these one change his content.
image name is the original name + prefix (default "image-")
- in the news2edit.xslt stylesheet must the edit.js script load before
the script code (when not all IE displays a white side)

(BUG / Feature by redirect with IE5.0)
when I hit the Finish button by an IE5.0 browser the content and images are saved and then comes an error from the servlet.
After debugging I found that the multipart Servlet is calld twice
1. with the POST data from the side
2. with no data and GET from the redirection.
BUG in IE or in Cocoon ?

So what should I do next, so that some other can test it?
should I make a PATCH to Bugzilla?
the patch with diff's of the stylesheets and the editor.js full?

Yes, that'd be great. probably doesn't matter whether the diffs are created together or not - use your best judgement.


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