[For cocoon-dev] I asked Matt Kruse about the inclusion of his nice JavaScript calendar popup (http://www.mattkruse.com/javascript/calendarpopup/) into Cocoon. He answered very positively, so be prepared to see this in Woody in the coming days (I have it working on my HD, but it needs some polishing).

Matt Kruse wrote:


Sorry for the delay in responding - it's been busy.

Yes, you may use the calendar popup library in the cocoon distribution.

Cool. Thanks a lot !

Please leave my comments in the javascript source so that users can find my site to get updates, etc.

You should have no worries for this : the source will be included as is, with no modifications, as we don't need nor don't want to maintain a fork of your work.

I just recently put up a beta version of the calendar popup which is implemented using Struts tag libraries, so the popup may end up in multiple apache projects :)

I've seen your post on Struts-users. AFAICS, this taglib directly embeds the JavaScript code in the tag code, and does not refer to an external .js file. Is there any difference between the two versions ?

If you have any other questions, let me know!

You mentioned (on the support forum IIRC) an update to avoid the explicit declaration of the hidden DIV used to attach the popup. What's the status of this ?

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvain Wallez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 5:08 AM
Subject: Inclusion of the Calendar Popup in Apache Cocoon

Hi Matt,

I'm one of the developpers of the Apache Cocoon project
(http://cocoon.apache.org/) and currently working on its form handling
component. Searching for a calendar popup utility, I found yours which
is very nice-looking and feature complete. Furthermore, the fact that
your date library uses the same patterns as SimpleDateFormat makes it
very valuable for use in a Java framework.

I'm writing you to know if you consider possible the use of you calendar
library in the Cocoon project, and therefore it's inclusion into the
Cocoon distribution.

I have read the terms of the license, and the clause related to
redistribution doesn't seem clear to me in the context the Apache
infrastructure: the library won't be available for downlad independently
of the Cocoon distribution, but the web access to the CVS repository
(http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/) may allow people to directly
download the .js files.

This web access to the CVS is currently an issue with Sun's libraries
such as JavaMail, and that's why I'm asking you some clarifications on
this point.

Thanks in advance for your answer, and thanks for this great work.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies
http://www.apache.org/~sylvain           http://www.anyware-tech.com
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -  http://www.orixo.com

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