Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

  <match type="request-method" pattern="PUT">
    <act type="syncmetadatadb">
     <generate type="webdavproxy">
        <parameter name="url" value="http://whatever/dav/{../1}"/

I think the webdav backend is much more likely to fail than syncmetadb in such cases (due to insufficient authorizations etc), which would create inconsistencies between the backend and meta db if the sync is done with actions.

You're right, we need a safer approach.

It might be better to sync the meta db based on the results of the backend, in which case I'd go for a Transformer to post-process the PUT result from the backend, feeding sql code to a downstream SQLTransformer:

PUT operation:
WebdavProxy -> DaslTransformer -> SQLTransformer

It doesn't really work. Every operation carried on by the WebDAV proxy is actually "eating" the request, so what you get in case of a PUT operation is just a status code. What you need to do, then, is to issue a PROPFIND to the backend server and get your metadata.

This however raises a new issue: the whole operation should be atomic and (somehow) transaction-aware. If for any reason the Dasl component cannot update the database, an error should be thrown and the operation should fail. Interesting problem, and I don't actually see a way to solve it OOTB.


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
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