On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Robert Simmons wrote:

> Greetings,
> Is there a manual that describes all of what each block in cocoon 2.1
> does ? Perhaps I missed it.

Nope, it isn't there. Don't forget to have a look at
http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=RT as well, and
http://cocoon.apache.org/community/contrib.html as a way to solve all 

It's good to have you back, Robert. While we ain't a bunch of academics,
we still primarily scratch our own itches. We hope our users do as well,
and this, together with some respect for the time all of us voluntarily
contribute to the Cocoon project, is essentially what community-based open
source development is all about. The 'strategy' behind shipping software
with rough edges is two-fold: (1) Cocoon won't be finished until its
community declares so, by no longer contributing to it, and (2) we like to
see every user as a possible future contributor. We don't employ a 
professional helpdesk, since our users happen to help each other, and 
several devs are keen to help with major issues. All this is done in the 
best possible spirit, and I hope you can respect that. Your enquiries are 
meaningful, and many of them would merit being implemented, but it's not 
by simply stating them that they effectively will be resolved. The leaky 
abstraction in software communities is human beings doing the actual work.



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