Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Tuomo L wrote:

It would be convinient,
if one could use a protocolthat defines a source (FilePart) located in memory.
This could be for example: "multipart://" . Then it would
be possible to extract that in-memory zip-file to the target-dir.

Is this possible already, or am I going to wrong direction here?

You know that you can access files inside zip using jar: protocol, right?

This is not possible today, but really is the right direction, and would be a valuable addition.

Wouldn't it be too much strain on system's resources (read: memory) in production environment (with the exception of light uses like departamental server) to render this feature useless? I agree though that it might be actually convinient.

Just wondering, ;-)

PS Do we have TraversableInspectableRestrictableZipSource?


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