
Thank you very much for this! I was aware of this being a problem (it has been reported by people on the Forrest list), but had suspected it to be something much deeper than what you have shown it to be.

You've also explained why, when using confirm-extensions="true" gave a different number of pages to confirm-extensions="false", which was puzzling me.

I've committed an updated bean with your patch in it, so the CVS CLI won't have this problem. It also has a few more features (see the cli.xconf in cocoon root), such as grouping of URIs that share properties.

Thanks very much for reporting this - you've saved me a lot of time!

Regards, Upayavira

Simon Mieth wrote:

Hi all,

i trying to integrate Cocoon via CocoonBean into my application. This work really fine, but  the 
"followLinks" don't  process every last link in every page.
After trying with CLI, i got the same problem. I looked into the Source and found in the method process() the possible problem/bug.

Every page is search for links and all were found, but every last found target will removed.

-- codepart from CocoonBean.process() --

      while (targetMap.size() > 0) {
           Target target = (Target) targetMap.keySet().iterator().next();
           try {
               if (!allProcessedLinks.containsKey(target)) {
                   if (precompileOnly) {
                   } else if (this.followLinks) {

// Here are all links searched and the put into the targetMap

i = processTarget(target).iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
target = (Target); targetMap.put(target, target); }

} else { processTarget(target); } } } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) { this.sendBrokenLinkWarning(target.getSourceURI(), rnfe.getMessage()); }

//but here the last target will removed here

targetMap.remove(target); nCount++;

-- end codepart --

After changing this to the following

-- my codepart to CocoonBean.process() --

      while (targetMap.size() > 0) {
           Target target = (Target) targetMap.keySet().iterator().next();
           try {
               if (!allProcessedLinks.containsKey(target)) {
                   if (precompileOnly) {
                   } else if (this.followLinks) {
                       i = processTarget(target).iterator();
                       while (i.hasNext()) {

// my changes here

Target child = (Target); targetMap.put(child, child);


                   } else {
           } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {
               this.sendBrokenLinkWarning(target.getSourceURI(), rnfe.getMessage());


-- end codepart --

it will as expected.

I don't know if these broke other thing, so i applied the patch with this email.

I hope it helps and thanks for Cocoon,


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