
Using TraversableGenerator I noticed a limitation and a potential bug. 

The limitation is that generate() throws a SourceNotFoundException if the input Source 
is not a collection. I'd like to use this generator also to view some meta information 
on <collection:resource>s without having to generate all of the contents of its parent 
and then harvesting only those things I need. (the davmap sample would also benefit 
from this feature as it could reduce the number of traverse2propfind transformation 
sheets from two to only one).

The bug is that the input sources are not tested for their existence wich means that 
it is perfectly legal to specify a non-existing source as the input source.

One last thing I'd want to know is about the way XPathTraversableGenerator locates xml 
files for xpath inspection. According to the docs "it will perform an XPath query on 
every XML resource, where "xmlresource" is, by default, any resource ending with 
".xml", which can be overriden by setting the (regexp) pattern "xmlFiles as a sitemap 
parameter." A more general way would be to use the o.a.c.e.Context object's 
capabilities to map files to mime types and then apply xpath inspection on all 
"text/xml" types. This way all container-wide mime mappings (such as those parsed in 
from web.xml) are used.

What do you think? Should I go ahead and prepare a patch?


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