Ugo Cei wrote:
> Did we really release with a broken test suite? I find it hard to 
> believe and I'm asking confirmation from someone else before I file an 
> issue in bugzilla.

Erk. Yes it seems that we did do the release without running
'build test'. I just added a note to the Wiki CocoonReleaseHowTo
to remind us.

> - Bug #20096 is to be reopened.
> - The test suite is broken, but we have a fix for that (patch is 
> attached below).

I tested your patch and that works fine on my system.
Well done, i believe that you have fixed it. Would you please commit.

So we can leave the resolver test cases there until we find something
better to do with them. We really need to clean up all of the testcases.
For example, do we need the XMLform stuff?


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