On Friday, Oct 10, 2003, at 01:17 Europe/Rome, Andrzej Jan Taramina wrote:

now, what do you think?

I think that following/supporting the XForms standard, which seems to be
getting traction, would be a good thing.

Not sure the world needs YAFF (yet another forms framework).

Or is the NIH syndrome rearing it's ugly head here? ;-)

No and the fact that we started with implementing xforms shows it pretty well.

The XForms standard is a client-side technology. There *is* a block that implements form handling in cocoon, but we moved away from it because of its design limitations on the server side.

BTW, it is entirely possible to use xforms as the presentation markup instead of HTML. You can even use XForms inside FO and have a PDF serialization library come up with PDFForms and some javascript built-in that sends back the XML-ized form. You can do many things.

Simply put, Xforms was designed as a client side technology, and we support it that way. (just like we do with cinclude and xinclude where cinclude is for the server side and xinclude is left for the client side)


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