Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

NOTE: this is *NOT* something that will replace either forrest or lenya. In fact, the idea of this system is to show off *all* the cocoon-related technologies we have in one big showcase for our own use. So, both forrest and lenya should be happy to participate into this because it might give them even more exposure and ideas for new features or simply more itches to scratch that would revamp the various communities.

Forrest has basically decided to focus on the presentational part of providing content, so the proposed system is a perfect fit for Forrest.

Lenya on the other hand is much more oriented on the editing. I had thought that we could somehow make Forrest use Lenya, but never got to it because something seemed wrong.

having a clear separation of view generation (Forrest) and editing (Lenya) seems like a perfect wat to reuse the systems getting the best out of them.

I would propose that we seek to make Forrest be able to generate the site from what you think is necessary. OTOMH that means adding navigation concerns to site.xml and an id mechanism for files.

Then we can move the docs to the new layout and have Forrest publish this test site regularly.

Then comes the Lenya integration, that has to be able to edit this thing.

Guys, let's move the discussions about what is needed over to forrest-dev, because we already had a lot of discussions about similar stuff.

Oh, and take a look at site.xml, as it may be used for what is needed.

Maybe I lost some threads here, maybe it's just that I wasn't at the GT, but I have the feeling that I don't know what is needed for this by Forrest.

If someone would post on Forrest-dev a list of things that Forrest should be able to do it would be great to get us started.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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