Le Vendredi, 7 nov 2003, à 08:17 Europe/Zurich, Upayavira a écrit :
...3) The remaining thing I dislike is the need to have some code in the sitemap to accept the requests from CocoonUnit)

Thinking wildly about point 3, maybe I could write a unit test servlet and set it up in web.xml to answer requests to /cocoon-unit. Then you wouldn't need code in your sitemap. Hmm....

Why not use sitemap definitions to let CocoonUnitClient (HttpUnit extension) talk to CocoonUnitServer (Cocoon Generator)?

<map:match pattern="/CocoonUnitControl/*/*">
  <map:generate type="cocoon-unit">
    <map:parameter name="test-context-id" value="{1}"/>
    <map:parameter name="operation" value="{2}"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

The Generator would then take care of all interactions between the client-side CocoonUnit classes and the server-side instrumentation stuff: creating test contexts, retrieving pipeline stages, etc, in a RESTish way.


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