Dion Gillard wrote:
> James Strachan wrote:
> > > Lenya, which has a URI, http://cocoon.apache.org/lenya/,
> > > outside of the incubator domain.
> > Hmmm, how come Lenya got a URI? Can we have one too? I guess so if
> > Lenya already has?
> As an outsider, this is very confusing. Lenya 'is not an ASF project', as
> it's being incubated, but the URL sure makes it seem like it is a sub
> project of cocoon.

In total fairness to Lenya, the first paragraph of their home page talks
about incubation.  However, I agree as a policy matter that the site should
be moved, with a redirect put in place, as described below.  After a project
leaves the incubator, a redirect can be put in the incubator's .htaccess to
reference its new location.

To demonstrate the technique, and further illustrating why web-sites should
be maintained in CVS (as Lenya's is :-)), I just issued the following

  cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic \
       checkout -d lenya cocoon-site/site/lenya

from /www/incubator.apache.org.  You will notice that a copy of the lenya
site is now at http://incubator.apache.org/lenya.  All that is left for the
Cocoon project to do now is to place:

  Redirect Permanent /lenya http://incubator.apache.org/lenya

in .htaccess in their site root, and the location change should be
transparent to all.  I won't do that, though.  That is a change for them to

When the lenya site is updated, someone just needs to do:

  cd /www/incubator.apache.org/lenya
  cvs update -Pd

rather than doing the exact same thing in /www/cocoon.apache.org/lenya.

The process is simple, and should not be disruptive to their progress at
all.  It is actually rather cool that things can be this simple.

        --- Noel

cc: lenya-dev@

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