Joerg Heinicke wrote:
On 18.11.2003 15:28, Geoff Howard wrote:

cziegeler 2003/11/13 02:18:28

Modified: .
Exclude JMS for the release; otherwise Cocoon doesn't compile with 1.3 :(
We have to find a better solution for the next version

*All* blocks must be able to be included by default and should *not* prevent Cocoon from working. This seems to be broken for JMS and OJB at the moment and we should fix it.

What is the error with 1.3 with JMS? Oh, it may be JNDI missing. Hmmph. This is another licensing issue - we'll need to do mocks unless someone (like geronimo) has an (apache friendly) distributable version.

Wait a minute - JNDI was in 1.3. Could someone who observed this error tell me what error occurred building it? I quickly dowloaded the latest 1.3 and tried it out. It did in fact fail, but with a "class version" error which may have been unrelated. Was this the problem?

Indeed it's the geronimo spec package compiled with JDK 1.4, that causes the error:

D:\cocoon-2.1\src\blocks\jms\java\org\apache\cocoon\components\jms\ cannot access javax.jms.JMSException
bad class file: D:\cocoon-2.1\src\blocks\jms\lib\geronimo-spec-jms-DEV-20030826.jar(javax/jms/JMSException.class)

class file has wrong version 48.0, should be 47.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
import javax.jms.JMSException;

Ok, the version I grabbed from ibiblio must have been compiled without jdk 1.3 support. I recompiled it and it seems to work fine now under 1.3.


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