Le Samedi, 22 nov 2003, à 02:24 Europe/Zurich, Joerg Heinicke a écrit :

....IMO Woody should re-focus on form processing. Yes, we should provide a default view, but a simple one. If there must be used any JS as I see it for the calendar or the help popups then it should definitely be done the standard way (i.e. W3C DOM) and never using document.write(). We can show nice gimmicks, but not "everything that's possible"....

I haven't looked at the latest Woody stuff so I cannot comment on the details, but I'm with you here: the "basic" samples should use as little javascript as possible, it is always possible to provide other "browser-picky" samples which show a nicer face using javascript.

The last thing we want is users thinking that Woody (soon Cocoon Forms, remember) is dependent on client-side javascript, we know it is not the case but I'd hate it if the samples conveyed the wrong idea.

Don't get me wrong, what's currently happening with Woody is great! But as Cocoon is using javascript server-side already, we must be careful to get the right message across.


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