On 24 Nov 2003, at 22:38, JD Daniels wrote:

I just wanted to take moment and thank the cocoon community.

Cocoon kicks butt.

I make small to medium small business / personal web applications.
Nothing fancy, basically alot of xsp + xsl templates (These alone match PHP
I think)
After the initial learning curve (which seems to extend a bit whenever I
need something new), cocoon delivers speed and maintainability.

I enjoy watching the dev list to see what is coming next. I have a lot of
trouble with java in general (learning as I go with no formal training).
However I hate PHP and perl now. I actually regret the time I spent
developing with them.

The time saved from endless hours of scanning thousands of lines of php code
to change ridiculous things like html table layouts, or an email
notification has allowed me to keep my small-town, small business viable. I
am able to work at home with my wife and children around me.

There are alot of ambitious goals for cocoon, and sometimes the lists gets
so excited about new stuff, they might miss what has already been
accomplished. But for me, Cocoon's existence has made a HUGE difference in
my work *and* my home life.

Thanks Guys :)

Thank you!

Stefano, tasting the warm feeling of these words in this cold, wet and dark afternoon.

I really needed this. I really did. Thank you.

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