Stephan Coboos Escribio :-)
> Hello,
> because I've got no answer for my question postet in the users list
> before, I will try it on the dev list...
> I have the following sitemap fragment:
> ...
> <map:resources>
>   <map:resource name="main">
>      <map:call function="main"/>
>   </map:resource>
> </map:resources>
> <map:flow language="javascript">
>  <map:script src="flows/myScript.js"/>
> </map:flow>
> <map:pipelines>
>   <map:pipeline>
>      <map:match pattern="">
>         <map:call resource="main"/>
>      </map:match>
>   </map:pipeline>
> </map:pipelines>
> ...
> In the match section I'm calling the resource 'main' which is calling a
> flowscript function itself. But if I do that this way I don't have
> access to the request params in the flowscript because cocoon.request...
> returns nothing!

 Hi, Stephan

 try in flowcript this:

 var parameter = cocoon.parameters["parameter from sitemap"]


> How do I activate passing request parameters thru
> resources to a flowscript?
> Thank you.
> Regards
> Stephan

Carlos Chávez
AG Software, S.A.

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