My account is not setup yet, but I cannot wait any longer to
say "Thank You" to everyone for voting me in and for the warm
welcome.  I enjoy working with all of you, so this should be
a very positive development.  I suppose a little introduction
is in order.

I am married and have three daughters.  My main computer
interest is in programming language research and design,
which I have been doing in all of my spare time for the last
14 or so of my 29 years.  My official training includes a
bachelors degree in Computer Science with a Mathematics minor.
I am currently employed as an analyst/programmer for the
Auditor's Office of the City of Canton, Ohio, USA.

My first project as a committer will be to develop CocoonForms
into a full gui design tool for forms and reports.  I expect
this to progress much faster now that I am a commiter.

Thank you again,
--Tim Larson

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