Christian Haul schrieb:

Giacomo Pati wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 -        this.reset();
 -        this.init();
 +        reset();
 +        init();

It make sense for member variables but there I'd like to add a prefix like m_ which cannot be forgotten (as like the 'this.' prefix) and thus clearly indicates what kind of variable it is (but that is personal preference, I know ;-)

No, actually I prefer this.method() as well, but don't mind if someone
only method(). But I think changing this back and forth is not a good idea.

Personally, I prefer the this.reset() approach to m_reset(). But at the
end of the day I second Carsten to not regulate this but please don't
change back and forth.

I wasn't taking about method prefixes but memeber variables. I don't think method prefixing makes much sense (explicit 'super.' is ok).

Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

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