On 14.12.2003 18:12, Michael Wechner wrote:

Mmmh, but Epoz sends wellformed xhtml. The point is Epoz sends text/html
as content-type, which is not handled by StreamGenerator(, yet).
I don't want to tidy anything, at the mom.

My question is:

Why does the StreamGenerator not support text/html??

I guess this was the simplest way to enforce well-formedness. But the test on a specific content type is no that good IMO. Why not simply let the parser complain about well-formedness errors?

Good point. Look at the fact that it accepts text/plain :) so why not text/html or what ever?

it seems to me that two fixes should be made: Epoz should send "text/xhtml"

Not text/xhtml, but similar: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types/#summary

and the generic StreamGenerator should be able to check well-formedness instead just checking the mime-type, maybe by default, but which could be configured to be turned off because of possible performance issues.

Simply trying parsing and rethrowing a parsing error ... what it has to do in any case.


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