Yes, you're right. There are some special hacks in WoodyTemplateTransformer to insert the styling element inside the expansion of the widget element. Although possible, it would be ugly to recreate these hacks in a macro. Probably what I would do if I were planning to fix this is to not use widget.generateSAXFragment() at all, and replace its behavior with equivalent jx macro code.

Why can't you use WoodyTemplateTransformer?



Oguz Kologlu wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using the latest 2.1 JXTemplateGenerator (cvs tag 1.30) and the JX Macros Christopher Oliver orignally wrote.

There appears to be a problem with widgets that contains styling information
when the jxtemplategenerator processes them.

<wt:widget id="notes">
 <wi:styling type="textarea" rows="4" style="width:100%"/>

Will be processed as:

<wi:field id="notes" required="false"/>
<wi:styling type="textarea" rows="4" style="width:100%"/>

(NOTE: two seperate elements..)

It would appear that:

widget.generateSaxFragment(cocoon.consumer, locale)

in the macro is not outputing the <wi:styling ..> until
after it has finished processing <wt:widget ...> which then
results in the field being output as:

<input name="notes">

instead of the required:
<texterea name="notes">

Is there some workaround to this?


See full macro below: <jx:macro name="widget" \ targetNamespace="";> <jx:parameter \ name="id"/> <jx:set var="widget" value="${woodyCurrent.getWidget(id)}"/> <jx:choose> <jx:when test="${widget.getSize() != null}"> <!-- repeater --> <jx:set var="lastRow" value="${widget.getSize() - 1}"/> <jx:forEach varStatus="loop" begin="0" end="${lastRow}"> <jx:set var="woodyCurrent" value="${widget.getRow(loop.index)}"/> ${row.generateSaxFragment(cocoon.consumer, locale)} <jx:evalBody/> </jx:forEach> </jx:when> <jx:otherwise> ${widget.generateSaxFragment(cocoon.consumer, locale)} <jx:evalBody/> </jx:otherwise> </jx:choose> </jx:macro>

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