Hunsberger, Peter dijo:
> I'm not sure I even see a reason for logging it at INFO?  If you've got
> an error that occurs because the client closed the socket you're either
> going to know this, or if you turn up logging to the INFO level to try
> and find this out you're going to need some way to reproduce the error
> that doesn't swamp the log and hope that you the same set of
> circumstances once more.  IOW, how would the information ever be useful?

Hi Peter:

This thread is really interesting to me. I thought about this issue
before, because in fact this is not a Cocoon error. This is just an event
that can be logged. The exception is thrown because the user side closed
the connection (maybe the user closed the browser or a blue screen of
death on the client stoped the connection or all the posible causes.). I
think we can agree in this point.

Then the second question is at what level we will log this event? I
suggested at INFO level because if we log this as an erro, then some user
can be alarmed without cause and will try to solve it wasting just time
because they cannot do nothing on Cocoon side. This is why to me this is
not an error on the cocoon side and I suggested INFO or maybe WARNING for
log the event.

On the other side, if someone needs to check how often it happen and why
then maybe he needs to set to INFO or WARN this event.


Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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