But not being the database guy around here, I'm not the one to talk about these things so I'll be glad if somebody else wants to come forward.

One thing is for sure: XSP is showing its age and we should move forward... but without loosing its value.

Why not pull the ESQL stuff out and provide a stripped down ESQLTransformer?

Something like that sits on my TODO list for ages now. Rrrr! *itch* As soon as I have some spare time... (please don't laugh)

Be sure we won't simply deprecate ESQL!

My idea is to come up with an unified syntax. Taking the
best out of the SQLTransformer and the ESQL logicsheet.
Then come up with an ESQL transformer and a logicsheet
using the same code base (as much as possible). For
an easy migration we could provide an ant task that
applies a migration stylesheet.

I just hope it's worth the effort since everyone
seems to be going the OJB way...

We could start a wiki page to collect the best
out of both world and come up with the new syntax...


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