Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Upayavira wrote:

Steven Noels wrote:

On 05 Feb 2004, at 11:24, Steven Noels wrote:

I'll try to wordsmith this into a short mission statement, but I'd like to hear whether this categorization makes sense to you.

Thanks for all your comments & suggestions. Let's see how lyric I am today:

"The Apache Cocoon Community Project fosters community-based exploration, design and implementation of web application frameworks with a focus on XML pipelining, centralized configuration mechanisms and separation of concerns through composability rather than programmability, by combining and adding onto existing Apache and other open source libraries. It hosts web application development frameworks, applications built on these frameworks, and development tools built for these frameworks and applications."

Sounds good. Concern though is that it reads 'web-centric'. Whilst Cocoon is 'primarily' about web publishing and applications, it is not 'exclusively' about that. Get that in there somewhere, and I'll be happy!

It all depends on what we understand by "web". Considering the CLI (your pet Cocoon environment), the final target is web publishing, isn't it?

I wasn't really thinking of the CLI, because, as you say, it is 'web' still. But there's the JMS stuff in CVS already, there 'could' be a maillet environment at some point, and I don't want to see our goals blocking those. Some small caveat is all that is needed.

Now that's true that I also use the CocoonBean in a Swing application that has no relation to the web. But this seems very marginal to me.

Yup, but other environments _could_ come along that aren't so marginal. And, IMO, our 'mission statement' needs to include all areas where we 'could reasonably' go, e.g. development tools (of which we have very few at the mo).

Regards, Upayavira

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