On 17.02.2004 07:09, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

The -k option is only for 'add' and 'update' etc.

The default with the command-line client is to do ASCII and you
need to explicitly do 'cvs add -kb' for images, and jar files, etc....

Note also that the binary -kb flag is set automatically when adding certain file types, based on patterns defined in CVSROOT/cvswrappers (which we cannot change, belongs to the cvsadmin group).

I knew this setting, but this is not the problem of our binary adds as only few and really binary file endings are set there.

I might be wrong but today I had the feeling that Eclipse just ignores the default -kkv set in Eclipse itself and adds every file with unknown file ending as binary. You maybe have to add your file endings at "Window > Preferences > Team > File Content".


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