Hunsberger, Peter wrote:
Fair enough; reading between the lines, I guess you're partly saying
that prior versions of Jisp weren't robust enough to be readily adopted
by a community?

Jisp began life as an accidental product. People found it in my books, and asked to license it. The book code was demonstrative; it had never been tested. Over the course of several years, I patched the code as best I could, but finally decided that the underlying core had serious flaws. Thus I did a major rewrite used by my few commercial customers, but not released as free code.

As I've moved away from writing books (too much work for too little money), Jisp has taken on a new role as an advertisement. As such, I released the commercial version as free software (version 3.0), under the GPL and commercial license to emphasize that this is a product and not some hobbiest's weekend hack.

Wish I could put my money where my mouth is on this issue (so to speak);
at this point I have to drop out of the discussion...

As is usual in life, the best people tend to have the least money. :)

I would *love* to spend time working on projects like Apache -- but I haven't the luxury of free time. Do I think people can make money from working on free software? Certainly -- my primary contract right now is to write free software for a big British company (heh, they're outsourcing to America).

And while money is nice, I'm also willing to consider various designs for mutually-beneficial arrangements.

Scott Robert Ladd
Coyote Gulch Productions (
Software Invention for High-Performance Computing

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