My boss forwared this to me today:

A little context:

RLG is a not-for-profit membership corporation of over 160 universities, national libraries, archives, historical societies, and other institutions with remarkable collections for research and learning. Rooted in collaborative work that addresses members' shared goals for these collections, RLG develops and operates information resources used by members and nonmembers around the world.

Founded in 1974 and incorporated in 1975 by Columbia, Harvard, and Yale Universities and The New York Public Library, RLG was conceived to help achieve the economies and power of service that come from pooling resources, expertise, and operations. The organization became a pioneer in developing cooperative solutions to the problems that research collections and their users face in the acquisition, delivery, and preservation of information.

There is a clear perception of very *strong* convergence in the world of digital libraries toward Cocoon because the philosophy of separation of concern is something that all librarians resonate with (unlike the centralized, self-publishing orientation of the old web, that was done exactly to route around centralized libraries).

For the digital libraries oriented people on this list, I can tell you that DSpace 2.0 will be using cocoon as the presentation layer. The shape of the 2.0 architecture is not yet defined, but a few ideas were fixed and the use of cocoon was one of them (apparently, lots of people asked them for this!)

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is very interested in Cocoon/Lenya, both for publishing and for content management.

MIT MetaMedia is already based on Cocoon even if they don't say so [it was a surprise for me as well!] (see

And this has nothing to do with my presence here, since these decisions were already taken before I arrived.

This said, everybody here is very excited about my presence because that glues the pieces together, so expect acceleration in the cocoon adoption at MIT.

Ah, for the MIT people on this list, I'll be giving a Cocoon Walkthrough on March 8th for the Digital Libraries Research Group and other interested parties (like OCW) If you want to be invited, let me know privately.



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