Unico Hommes wrote:

Corin Moss wrote:


I'm probably wrong here, but my understanding of the RefresherImpl is
that the "timeout" is used to cache the page on a timed basis a la cron
(although that could be what you mean).

I'm not entirely sure how this helps with external validation directly

What I've been playing around with in this class is a "refreshInFuture"
method which does a one-time-only refresh in x seconds (probably 1
minimum to be safe from expiry problems :)

Does that help you at all? I'm happy to contribute it if it would.

Hmm, I guess my explanation was a little bit dense. Let me put this into context of the things I am trying to solve.

We recently deployed a website that is backed by a webdav repository. Obviously this introduces some network overhead and particular parts of the site can get slow to generate. Especially those generated using TraversableGenerators.

Traditional caching requires the objects on behalf of which it caches to provide a so called Validity object in order to determine whether its cached objects are still valid upon subsequent request. Most sources will try to determine this by providing a last modifed timestamp the cache can compare. Since retrieving the last modification time is an expensive operation in the case of a webdav source determining the validity of a cached response would be almost as expensive as generating a new response, requiring a webdav propfind for each source that is a member of the generated pipeline.

Instead we employ a different strategy altoghether. We just tell the Cache that the source is always valid using a special Validity object. Cache invalidation will be accomplished by an external event triggering the removal of all pipelines the Source is associated with. This means though that a subsequent request will be slow since nothing is cached anymore.

Perhaps even more importantly, since the pipelines can be huge objects the generation of which potentially requires many network calls it is much better to cache objects at the most atomic level: the source. Hence my interest in CachedSource.

What I am proposing is to extend the capability of CachedSource so that an external event (say, someone saving a document in the webdav repository) will trigger the retrieval of a fresh one. But in the background, away from the critical path (asynchronous).

Hope that explains it better.

Ok, I'm done being dense - I get this now. My last response about pluggable cache strategies at the pipeline level is totally mismatched. At the Source level you don't have to worry about re-assembling the pipeline, so all you would have to do is re-cache the source when it is invalidated externally.

Can you just handle this when the JMS/other event comes in? Currently it's just translated to an Event and sent to the Cache, but you could also contact the Source as well at that point? Where does the Source cache its data? In memory in a private member, or in the Store?


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