On 02.03.2004 22:51, Geoff Howard wrote:

The problem after an upgrade is the remaining of the xerces JAR at tools/lib. The JARs are only copied on demand to that place, i.e. if no xerces JAR exists at that place at all. If there is already a 2.6.0 JAR it won't be replaced if you have updated only lib/endorsed. This is at least true for build.bat. build.sh copies the endorsed libs always to tools/lib, but does not remove old versions.

Is that explanation helpful?

Why are these three files copied at all? When the java.endorsed.dirs property is set (which is to lib/endorsed) the JARs are on the classpath. If we need to copy them the build script should probably made a bit more intelligent on this issue.

No fair, I figured that out on my own but now you won't believe me... :)

I have no idea why the build copies those files, and I think no one does. Anyone? In fact, the batch file spits out bogus file not found warnings at the beginning of every build which has confused newbies.

Yes, the windows build tests for many locations where to find the JARs.

Anyone against stopping the copy from lib/endorsed to toos/lib, and pointing the ant/jetty endorsed dir to lib/endorsed directly?

The java.endorsed.dirs already point to lib/endorsed.

If not, then we need to fix the build scripts so that we are not shielded from endorsed lib updates in the build.

It's just an issue of the build. I tried it without the libs at tools/lib and it does not work:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No attributes are implemented
at org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl.setAttribute(Docum
at XConfToolTask.execute(Unknown Source)

Hmm, don't know why it falls back to Crimson (from JDK I guess) though endorsed dirs are set and Ant works without the JARs in tools/lib.


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