Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano <at>> writes:

> > ... gump as complete replacement for jars.xml ...

> > Is our gump descriptor that bad maintained? Some time ago we also got 
> > gump error messages to the list, now we get those only from persons 
> > outside of Cocoon. What's the benefit of gump when we don't use it 
> > correctly?
> Gump has not been able to run cocoon for the last 6 months at least, due 
> to unmet dependencies. As a result, our decriptor is basically dead 
> because we haven't been nagged for that period of time.
> The gump community is working hard to make this possible again, but this 
> is very hard work and takes a lot of time and patience.
> My proposal (that the board accepted) to move gump to top level status 
> was also to bring more visibility and make projects being more 
> gump-friendly, we'll see how this goes.
> I have a RT ready for gump that would allow to solve these issues... but 
> I need to work more on this since it appears to be a pretty tough 
> computational problem of graph analysis.

But this is much more than I want to solve with it at the moment. I just want to
replace the jars.xml with the gump.xml. We still can have our "check jars" so
that we are nagged if gump is broken (at least for this issue). At least we
avoid the duplicate maintenance of jars.xml and gump.xml that exists at the
moment. One day Cocoon and Gump nicely plays together again, we can give all to
Gump and remove our specific checking stuff. Short steps towards a big aim :)



PS: Arrgghh! This nasty "You seem to be top-posting. Don't do that."
I only had "... gump ..." without any >> infront.

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