Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I have a RT ready for gump that would allow to solve these issues... but I need to work more on this since it appears to be a pretty tough computational problem of graph analysis.

We do have generalized hedge generator code (both in a Cocoon sense and
in a flat query to data structure sense) that I might be able to get you
a copy of ;-)...  However, I suspect you need the opposite of what we
have; something to break down tree structured data into hedges and look
for intersections (cycles)?

oh, nono, the problem is completely different: when a project doesn't compile, who's fault is that?

Currently gump has information such as

(A) --(depends on)--> (B)

the problem with this is that if A breaks, it could be because of B's fault or because of A's fault, you can't tell.

What I'm going to propose is to have bidimensional dependencies:

(A,20040302) --(depends on)--> (B,20040212)

At this point, gump can do multiple builds based on the timestamp and it is possible figure out who broke what and when, in theory point at the very single commit to blame.

The problem is that the complexity of such trellis grows very big very quickly. I still have to understand if it's duable at all!


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