Tim Larson dijo:
> At my workplace they are worried that pairing their slow upgrade
> cycle with the fast pace of open source projects could cause
> maintenance problems for their custom code.  They are concerned
> that a delayed upgrade may be as painful as switching to another
> project.  I propose we create a document detailing the practices
> and policies we follow to minimize this risk to users of Cocoon.
> To start the discussion, here is a seed list of practices that
> I have noticed we try to be known for following:
>   [Disclaimer: We are under no contract and offer no warranty
>   concerning these practices (see our license for details.)]
>   Continuing to support older releases
>   Maintaining a change log to help with upgrades
>   Strongly avoiding breaking interfaces
>   Conducting open, public discussion of design and development
>   Querying userbase to determine impact of potential changes
>   Responding to the userbase, even reverting changes when necessary
>   Voting on major additions, changes, deprecations, and removals
>   Deprecating interfaces instead of immediately dropping support
>   Only allowing code that has a community to support it
> What do others think about developing a document like this
> to document our guidelines and improve our marketability?
> Do we already have a document like this somewhere?

+1. Good idea, it can be stated as "official" project practices. It wil
help to reduce the FUD.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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