On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 02:41:32PM -0500, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> Upayavira wrote:
> >Joerg Heinicke wrote:
> >
> >>[ ] exclude.block.blockname=true|false
> >>[+1] include.block.blockname=true|false
> >>
> >Exclude always seemed really odd to a native English speaker. It was 
> >always the wrong way around.

Likewise. BTW, am I missing something or can these two options be
made completely compatible, as in:
  include=true   ==  exclude=false
  include=false  ==  exclude=true
of course with the local config overriding the default config as
we already have it doing.  The old local configs would keep working,
and new installations could use the more understandable "include="

--Tim Larson

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